{4} The Resorting Ceremony

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(A/N: I know that some descriptions of characters may not match the ones in the books however this is how i have imagined them <3)

As the group approached the entrance to the castle, they were greeted by the figure of the gothic potions master who beckoned them over when he saw them approaching. Harry was nervously clinging to Theo who gave him a supportive squeeze as they all knew up until now the small boy had only had bad interactions with the Head of their house. "I have arranged the resort for Mr Potter" Snape spoke when they were within hearing distance. The tone was gentle, the snakes knew that tone it was the tone the potions master used with the firsties to help ease them and make them feel safe. "Really?" came the quiet question the tone was dripping with disbelief.

Snape looked to his snakes and gave them a look, one that they all understood; protect the child. Before he leant down in front of Harry and using a finger under Harry's chin to help their eyes meet. "Of course, little one. I was so wrong about you, and I hope one day you can forgive me. No one deserves the treatment that happened to you. We can help you, so we are going to."

Harry stared into those black orbs with so much hope that it shattered the harsh man's heart. "Pomona and Filius have already agreed to support with the resort so the headmaster can't override it" Harry mumbled something into Theo's chest. "What was that Harry?" the blonde boy questioned. "I said that the hat would be happy with that he tries to resort me every time I go to the headmaster's office" still looking slightly scared though. "It will be alright child now you need to get going to the Great Hall the feast is about to begin, and I'll never hear the last of it if I'm late from Pomona" the last part was mumbled and got a small giggle from the Ravenette.

With that they were ushered to the Great Hall. Harry was told to stay with Severus and wait for Professor McGonagall to arrive with the First Years. Then they were off with the sorting but that didn't mean there wasn't whispers, everyone was wondering why Harry was standing with the potions professor. It seemed as though their prayers had been answered as after Penelope Parker, sorted into Hufflepuff, McGonagall called hesitantly "Potter, Harry". Harry stood up straighter and gracefully as he could with his injuries walked to the stool where the sorting hat was placed on his head.

"Ah Mr Potter finally ready to be with your true house hmmm..." questioned Alastor.

"Yes, you were right, and I should have listened to you" came the apologetic reply as Harry cast his eyes to the floor. "Hush now child, we shall fix it now... SLYTHERIN!!"

Harry opened his eyes now realising he had closed them he looked fearfully towards the Slytherin table which was deadly silent but after only a few seconds before there was a deafening applause and cheering which brought a small smile on to Harry's face as he made his way to Theo and an dark-haired older year who looked like a prefect, they shuffled to make a gap between them for him to sit. After they were all settled Harry and the group realised that the whole hall was silent, the Ravenclaws having a studious look on all of their faces, the Hufflepuffs had polite or small smiles on their faces, the Gryffindor however looked furious. Ron looked as though he was going to explode, and Hermione's faced was pinched with disgust, but Harry didn't care for once he felt happy.

So, with that the sorting continued after everyone had been sorted, Slytherin had gained three new snakes excluding Harry who would have made it four. Dumbledore stood and made his usual speech about banned items, the forbidden forest etc however when everyone thought he was going to sit down he didn't and said he had a very special announcement.

"Yes very special my children, Hogwarts has been asked to housed the tri-annual Tri-Wizard Tournament!!" there were cheers cascaded around the hall. "Yes, yes settle down so tomorrow we will be joined by the wonderful Ladies and Gentlemen for Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute. Only 17 year olds and up can enter the tournament and to do so you will need to put your name on a piece of parchment and place it into THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!!" which was dramatically revealed behind him. There was again cheers and applause "that is all for tonight children now let us feast!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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