Chapter 14-The peculiar girl

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I watched as sister Beth left the boys room,and exited out of the door to walk to lunch. I may have gotten in trouble for using my powers,but that wasn't going to stop my brilliant plan! I retrieved the piece of paper,and stuffed it in my pocket along with the broken crayon. Then I walked downstairs for lunch,and hoped to see the Gray girl there because maybe she would be able to help me escape from this place. I rushed down the cobblestone stairs quickly,and even pushed past a few kids,so I could enter the Great Hall first. I waited 30 minutes though,and I still didn't see the gray girl enter the Hall. I began to lose hope,and went to go grab food before it was all gone,and I had to go hunt for a rabbit like me,and Venus used to. I shook my head,and stared at the raindrops falling on the window,then I looked down at the courtyard to see two 4 year olds getting yelled at,and getting slapped in the face. Just like me,and Venus when we were kids I thought to myself,while a tear fell from my face. My daydream was interrupted when someone came up behind me,and hugged me! I immediately jumped,and turned around to notice that the person hugging me was the peculiar girl I met earlier. I was scared,and so I pushed her off of me,and she looked hurt. "Do you not like hugs boy,on my planet we use them to show affection" she told while grinning from ear to ear. I scratched the back of my head,and laughed a little,"your English isn't that great is it" I asked her,she nodded her head agreeing,"yes boy,on my planet we talk abushba,it's an Alien language" she told me."Ok well anyways,my name's Luke,so you don't have to call me 'boy' anymore" I told her with a soft tone. "I am Nova" she replied while pointing at herself. "Very good," I told her while looking her up and down,she sure was gorgeous,I thought to myself. She then looked down at my hands,and looked very surprised. "Why are thou hands red?" she asked me curiously,I looked down at my hands,and then quickly shoved them in my pockets, "I was uhhhhh......making cranberry juice" I fibbed. She cocked her head to the side,"you know for someone who doesn't have good English,you sure are smart" I told her,she nodded her looking proud,"trut" she demanded,I rolled my eyes at her,"sister Beth slapped me with a ruler" I told her giving in. Her eyes widened as big as saucers,and she reached for my hand to probably examine it more. Then that's when she looked into my eyes and said,"food",I was perplexed,what did she mean by,"food"? I started to laugh a little,"food"?,"that was so random what about it"? I asked her. "Where is food?" she asked me desperately, starting to look around her. "Oh you were late to lunch so it's all gone now" I said concerningly,and then she let go of my hand,and a big frown formed on her face. "Food..." she said now in a sad tone,while sliding down the stoned wall. I looked around,and then slid my hand into my back pocket,to take out some bread. I was gonna use it for the escape plan tonight,in case I got hungry,but I guess I could give it to her. Although that's when a lightbulb lit up. What if I gave the bread to her in hopes,she would give me something in return,which would be helping me escape St Joans! I slid down alongside her,and then passed the bread to her,"Take it,I don't need it" I solemnly said,she looked at my soft brown eyes,and then snatched it from me to gobble it down!

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