Chapter 28-The spy

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I awoke at 3 am,and stared straight at the ceiling,something wasn't right,and I can't believe I didn't admit that earlier. I think I was in love with Venus,and yes,Love is a big word to use. I darted up,but hit my head on the ceiling because I was on top bunk. Ouch...I thought to myself,as I slowly climbed down the ladder,and crept into Venus' room. I think I might've frightened her though because she was yelling,and screaming hysterically. I was finally able to calm her down though,and she motioned for me to come sit beside her as I had to tell her something important! I wasn't sure how to tell her that I liked her. I started to fumble my words,and fidget with my hands a little,as I tried to say the words I was thinking."Look I know we kinda just met a few days ago,and you're really cool" I started to say,"oh did I mention you look pretty today" I continued,trying to not make her mad. "Get to the point" she demanded,darn,I thought to myself as my heart pounded out of my chest. "VENUS I LIKE YOU" I yelled a little too loudly,which made her look startled. She kept quiet for 2 minutes,like she was trying to solve a really hard Math problem. I already had second thoughts,and started to regret what I had just said. Out of nowhere though,she came in with a kiss,and kept it there,she didn't pull apart. I kissed her too,and we kept going at it,we were so drawn to each other,but I didn't want to have a baby because I'm only fifteen,so I asked she wanted to go to the washroom to do some hot sex in the shower. Anyways,I'm not gonna get into so much detail,and yada yada! Point is,the sexiest girl alive,gorgeous body,EXTREMELY FEISTY,and let me tell you...she knows how to do IT,by that I mean sex in the shower..GOOD! We were just getting to the good part,when of course there had to be a knock on the door. In my head,I was like "oh shit" because I thought it was Txunamy,and maybe she heard us moaning,so she came to tell us to quiet down. Venus pulled away from me though,and dried off. She told me to do the same,and so I did,and then I got ready. When we were fully dressed we opened the door to see who it was,as they didn't respond when Venus called out. Surprisingly,no one was there...and I was totally spooked out. I went to go check my bedroom to see if it was Txunamy because she would be awake if she came. I opened the door just a little...and she was sound asleep? How can this be..we are the only 3 in the house,I thought to myself as I sped walked to my dads room where Venus called out to me. She was looking at a cupcake on the ground,acting as if it was a deadly bomb. Then she picked it up,it had my neighbor,Melinda Baker's initials on it. She has world famous cupcakes,and I always got one for free on my birthdays,as did Txunamy. I grabbed her by the hand,and brought her to my room where I showed her the house where Melinda lived. Venus looked mad and angry,"I don't think an adult would spy on us" she boomed.I thought she was gonna have one of those psychotic demon moments that she pulled on us earlier that night. Thankfully she didn't,"take me to the house tomorrow,and I'll show you who the real spy is" she told me,giving a mean scowl. Slowly,I slid away,and climbed up to my top bunk,to rest that night. When I awoke,I looked down at the window,and saw Venus standing frozen still there. "VENUS?!" I questioned,"were you there all night?" I asked,"yes" she said,not even pulling away from the mirror. "What about sleep?" I asked,"I don't SLEEP" she snapped at me,as she turned towards me. "Uh..your eye is twitching..are you ok" I asked her in a concerned tone. "Take me to the house" she repeated from last night,"uh ok..let's get ready first"I said starting to climb down from the bed. "I'm already ready" she said scowling,"uh...ok give me five minutes" I told her,making a mad dash for the washroom. As I got ready,I pondered about why she was so eager to go to Melinda's house,I mean does she really love cupcakes that much? I heard someone knock on the door after I finished brushing my teeth,and hair,and I opened the door to see Venus. "We're leaving now" she said,grabbing my wrist,and pulling me down the stairs,and all the way to the door. I stopped her,"What about Txunamy?" I asked her. She whipped her head around,"I told her we will be out for a bit" she said. I just nodded from there,I was afraid what would happen if I opened my mouth again,to ask her something. We finally arrived at the house,and she knocked on the door,until they opened it. Melinda was at the doorway,"why hello Geo...who is this friend of yours" she asked a bit concerningly. Venus' head darted behind Melinda,as she spotted the thing she was looking for. A blond boy,tall,with pale skin,and brown eyes,"YOU" she yelled. The boy looked shocked,and fearful of Venus who was staring darts into his soul. "Me.." he said in a shaky voice,and trembling hands,"we need to talk..NOW" Venus demanded,as she pushed past Melinda,and placed her hands on the boy's shoulders. "Bring me to the void" she demanded,in a very scary dark demon voice. Then with that,they both disappeared into thin air,and Melinda fainted onto the ground. Was this the spy she was talking about,and how did she know him?

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