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I'm at class waiting to finish , i told Damon he doesn't have to come pick me up cause I'm intending to visit my aunt , the last time i saw her was a week ago before i move in with Damon .

Finally the bell ringed , Dona and i were heading to her car until we spotted a red Ferrari parked next to Dona's car . My eyes go wide open when i saw the person leaning on the fancy vehicle, it was the same women i saw in Damon's lap that day half naked .

Now she was wearing fancy clothes god knows how mush they cost , with big sunglasses on her face. I remember last time i saw her she was blonde , but now she's brunette .

I whisper to Dona telling her about this woman .

-Dona! That's her


-The girl i caught between Damon's lap

-OMG WHAT!!! She screamed

The woman walked over to us and stand in front of us .

-The name is Amelia Johnson , i believe we met . She said giving me her hand to shake but i choose to ignore it , I'm not gonna pretend like nothing happened, like I didn't find her harassing my boyfriend.

-what are you doing here ? I asked

-huh! You're a feisty one , i see why he likes you .... for now . She said smirking

-Excuse me ? I said annoyed

-you heard me , you may think you're living a beautiful relationship with Damon , but when he's bored of you and tired of screwing you , he's gonna ditch you and come back to me.

-how dare y... Dona said before i cut her off waving my hand at her .

- I understand your jealousy Amelia , you want to marry Damon but he's always rejecting you , and now you came here to make me feel like I'm just one of his hook-ups.

-But you are .... you think you're the first girlfriend he ever had after me ? I've been through this before , when he wants a little change he goes around and fucks a new girl for a time , and then he leaves her and calls me to his bed again , that's who he is , I'm always gonna be his favorite.

-That's not gonna happen with me .

-you think you can handle the dark side of his life ?

-what do you mean?

-you know what i mean, he has enemies everywhere, and you're a fragile target , easy to kill , as for me , his enemies know better than to mess the daughter of the American Don . She winks

-if i were you I wouldn't get my hopes too high, and i would leave immediately before i get a heartbreak . She said as she opens the door of her car and goes in .

-who do you think you are ? Dona yelled .

-EEEKH i don't have time for this , consider it as a warning, Anna . And she drives off .

Dona and I just stood there , I'm still remembering the words she said , about me being a fragile target , she was not wrong about that , I already got kidnapped once , what makes me sure it won't happen again ?

              ~~~~~~End of the chapter ~~~~~~~

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