Chapter 4

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Travis POV:

I woke up at around 9 but Sal was still asleep on my shoulder. I carefully get up and drape a blanket over him. I make myself a cup of coffee and scroll through tiktok (he's on like teacher tiktok). That stupid berries and cream trend kept showing up over and over again, so I just shut off my phone and spacedout, carefully sipping my hot coffee. After about half an hour, Sal stumbled into the kitchen. He was sniffling and sobbing.

Sal POV: TW: gore & blood

I woke up with a sharp pain in my right eye and my entire face. I stood up from wherever I was sitting on the floor. The room was dark except for a tiny dim light that hung from above. I looked around for a door, but all I found was a mirror. I looked closer. My reflection looked like me, but it also didn't. I was in an orange prison jumpsuit and there was a cloth around my eyes. I was sitting in a big chair. My reflection's teeth began to chatter and  shook in his seat. Then there was knocking. It seemed to echo around the entire room. But after a few seconds, it turned to banging and loud sobs and shrieks. "Please, he's innocent! I have proof! PLEASE!" It screamed. I watched close as a man came up next to the chair the man that looked like me was sitting in. He put his hand on the lever and checked his watch from time to time. The man's lips moved as he spoke to the man in the chair, but I couldn't tell what they were saying. The man in the chair nodded slightly, and the man pulled down on the lever. I watched in terror as tears streamed down the man in the chair's face. He jumped and shook as the shock took over his body. Then, there was more screaming and shrieking. "No! NO! HE WAS INNOCENT! SAL WAS INNOCENT! NO!" The voice wailed. The image in the mirror faded and the lights started to flicker and go out. I heard a door slam and I stepped away from the mirror. I looked around and surrounding me was dozens of mirrors, all shapes and sizes. The dim light came back on, just bright enough to see myself in each and every one of them. I walked closer to get a closer look at myself. My head was entirely wrapped in bandages except for my left eye, and my hospital gown was stained in blood. I was barefoot and I seemed to be crying. But it wasn't tears, it was blood. I touched my cheek and wanted to scream, but no sound came out. I looked behind me in the background, and there was standing the man in the dog mask that shot me and my mom. Mom! Where was Mom? I turned and searched the room, frantically looking for a clue of where I or my mother was. The man in the dog mask stared me dead in the eye. "I will get you next time, Sal Fisher." My head began to sting again, and I felt so dizzy that I might fall over. He disappeared, and in his place stood a tall shadowy figure with piercing red eyes.I shivered as a cold chill came over me. My ears rang and the dizziness got worse. I fell to my knees as more blood-filled tears streamed down my bandaged face. I curled into a ball on the floor and tried to fight against the pain and fall asleep.

I woke up in tears. I realized I was still on Travis' couch, but he wasn't there anymore. I got up slowly, shaking in fear from the dream. I stumbled into the kitchen and plopped into a chair.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Like magic, Travis was at my side.

"I- I- I can't tell you." I sobbed loudly.

"Why not?" He rubbed my back.

"You wouldn't get it." I said.

"Was it a nightmare?" He asked. I cried louder just at the thought of it.

"Y- yeah." I stuttered.

"Oh, it's okay. It's over now." He comforted.

"Y- you're right." I was so shaken up that it took almost five minutes to calm down. Travis made breakfast and we talked together until I had to leave.

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