Chapter 7

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Travis POV:

I wake up and check my phone for the time. It's 3:54 in the morning. I had just woken up from a nightmare about some man in a dog mask and a bunch of people in black robes with hoods that cover their faces. There had been a huge hole in the floor and I was chained over it in a robe just like the ones the others had been wearing. They were all chanting in some weird language when the floor started to shake and out of the hole appeared a shadowy looking figure with glowing red eyes. And that's when I woke up. I'm not 100% what it's about, but I've had this dream multiple times now.

I realized we were still on the couch so I picked up Sal and his mask and brought him to his bed. I had just enough strength to lift him onto the bed before almost collapsing on the floor out of exhaustion. Not knowing what to do with his mask, I hung it on the bedpost from one of the straps. I was too tired to go all the way back to the living room so I climbed into bed next to Sal and fell asleep like that.


I woke up again and carefully got up, making sure not to wake Sal. I went to the kitchen to get something to drink and see a guy with brown dreads and bright yellow shirt pouring coffee into a blue-ish grey mug.

"Oh hello! Sorry, I didn't see you there. Want a cup of coffee?" he said.

"S-sure." I say still wiping the tiredness from my eyes. He pours me a cup of coffee as I sit down at the counter.

"Well here you go. Nice and hot." He said. Heh. Nice and hot. Just like Sal.

"What?" he asked. Oh shit did I say that out loud?!

"Uh- uh nothing. Never mind. Thanks for the coffee." I said nervously hoping he didn't actually here what I said before.

"You're welcome." He smiled. "I'm Neil by the way." He sat in the chair next to me and sipped his cup of coffee.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Travis." I smiled back.

"So I finally meet the one and only. Sally's been talking about you nonstop. Doesn't really talk about anything else but you really." Sally talks about me? "So how long have you guys been dating each other?" he asks. I spit out my coffee in surprise and try to wipe it up with my sleeve. Neil gives me a confused look.

"I- uh- Sal and I aren't, well- dating. We're just friends." I explained.

"Oh sorry about that then. You guys just seem really close and I thought you guys liked each other, but sorry for assuming you two were dating." He apologized.

"It's okay." I sighed.

"Is something wrong?" Neil asked.

"No, it's just.. I really like Sal, but I'm too scared to tell him since he might not like me back." I told him.

"Are you kidding? Sal's head over heels foy you! It's obvious." He replied.


"Yeah! Why do you think he talks about you all the time? Now what the only thing you gotta do is ask him out."

"How should I do that?"

"Well it's gotta be meaningful, but not too romantic, since it's only the first date."

"So don't take him out to dinner. Got it."

"Yes but no. Dinner dates are more of a second date kind of thing. It might also not be the best for him 'cause of his prosthetic." I nod.

"How about a movie? Or stargazing? Maybe the beach?" I asked.

"Now that part's up to you. Do what'll make you both happy and comfortable at the same time." He said.

"Okay." I finished the last sip of my coffee and head back to Sal's room to see if he's awake yet. I walk into his room and see Sal shirtless, sitting in next to his dresser. His wrists and arms are covered in scars and a few new cuts lined with dried blood. His mask was off and he seemed to be crying. He rushed to reach for his sweater, sending a few razorblades covered in dry blood across the room.

"Sal?" I whispered, my eyes opened wide with shock and disbelief.

"Y-yeah?" he sniffled.

"Um, what- what happened?" I moved slowly and sat by his side.

"It-it's nothing. Just-" He wrapped his arms around my torso and sobbed.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I rubbed his back.

"I- I-" he buried his face in my chest and sighed.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't wanna."

"No, I'll tell you." He took a deep breath. "So I've been talking to Ash a lot," Oh no. Does he have a crush on Ash instead? Maybe he doesn't like my after all. "And she asked me out," He totally likes her I thought to myself and tried to hold back tears. "What should I say?" Sally asked me.

"Well, um- if I were you, I would- um, I would just think if you really like her or not."

"But what if I don't? What if I like someone else? I don't wanna hurt her feelings."

"Do you like someone else?"

"Uhhh... maybe. I don't know. It's too confusing." His voice muffled in my shirt.

"Well just go with your gut, Sal. What ever choice you make, I'm sure Ashley will understand." I tried comforting him.

"But what about the person I do like?" he looked up at me.

"Tell them how you feel. I learned that bottling up your feelings, especially for someone you like, can make your relationship with them worse." I responded.

"I don't know. What if I'm not ready?" He sighed.

"Then take your time," I rubbed the back of his head. "I'm sure whoever it is, they'll be there for you when you're ready." I reassured him and rested my head against the wall.

"Thanks, Trav." He said moving his head away from my chest to look up at me.

"No problem, Sally Face." I looked down at him and smiled.  

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