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"Have you heard the legend of the shusher?" Oh asked "nope" you say going through you bag and looking for you sketchbook.

Long ago out enemy, the gorg Invited boov to a peace meeting.

But smek wisely fled in terror."

"Hmp, coward" you laugh

He took a great trophy: the shusher.

Tip chuckled "why is it called the shusher? "Mmm. What ever" tip says before pushing a button giving the car more speed, oh yells and pig hangs on to ohs eye libs..

It was early mourning now, you were asleep while tip was driving and oh was scratching lottery tickets. Tip was banging her head on the steering wheel" seriously? You guys had to ruin the statue of liberty ?" She asked "the statue of smek." Oh corrected " you will not get away with this" she exclaimed. Oh suddenly yelps causing you to ster awake.

"What's going on" you get up from your position "boov patrol! They are looking for you! Oh exclaimed "Oh,no" tip panicked. Tip steers the car under the staues under arm , you guys sigh in relief as they didn't see you.

Oh was now sitting in the back and you were in the front next to tip since you didn't wanna sit near him. "What's that?" You point out in the distance "ow" tip exclaims as a bright light shines in her eyes. oh was using tips mirror to shine light at her

"Hey! Don't dustract the driver!" Tip pushed ohs head .

You were hiding from the boov by going under the roof of a gas station "okay, pee break. Let's go y/n" tip users you out of the car "I,too, has to break pee" oh said getting out of the car "or as you calls it the number one. We also has the number two. And the number 3" "okay!" Tip says walking to the girls bathroom.

Oh runs in front of you " it is a good thing I I not have to go the number three. It would not be safe for you" "ugh" you groan "we only doos it once a year. I would not call it a holiday but you doos need to take the day off" oh says "that's enough!" Tip grabs your hand and pulls you into the bathroom.

"Ahhh" tip screams then pushes oh out of the bathroom "woah! You can't come in here. This is the girls' room.

Oh walks into the room next to the girls. You were putting on a new change to clothes which was just a short sleeve shirt and shorts. You heard oh scream from the other side of the wall "do not eat the blue mint" he yells you and tip laugh "thankfully, there is a large bowl of lemonade." You gag "gross" "ohh! Do not drink the lemonade. Your sister shakes her head and continues fixing her hair.

"Come here y/n. Let me fix you hair." Tip says ushering you near the mirror " be out in a second" tip yells from the girls bathroom "were going to paris!" You sang "going to see our mom" tip sang along.

"takes your time" oh yells. Oh rushed toward the car and starts it awaking pig who just went back to sleep "ant-arc-tica" oh types into the car GPS "here I come" oh says excidly "fugitive boov" a boov outside the car yells. "Hold still for arresting" the boov pointed the bubble gun at oh "best friend kyle" oh smiled " I am not your friend. But I will be a hero boov for getting your password." A pile of cans fall ontop of Kyle. You and tip are standing there.

Oh gasped " yes! You gave nicked-time saved us!" Oh said happily.

Tip gave oh a death look " what is the purpose of your face?" Of points at tips face. You pick up a can a throw it at his head. "Owpain" oh cried " you were gonna Ditch us?" Tip asked angrily "No!" Oh lied "liar" you said " I never lie" oh put his hands behind his back "yes,you do. And you know how I know. Because everytime you lie you turn green" tip said angerly " I doos not" oh tried to explain. Tip pulled his hand to his face.

"Poomp" oh then screams and runs into the car "open the door, you lying, frog face squishy toy." You and tip try to open the door. after a few minutes of struggling tip managed to get the door open.

" you promised to help us find our mom!" your sister said angrily " then I unpromise" oh said " that's not how it works," tip said as she jumped on oh "you have to help us get to Paris" you argued as you handed tip the tape " I will not!" oh said as tip taped him down. as tip taped down oh her elbow hit one of the buttons causing a popcorn machine to come out.

"stop I need you-" the popcorn sprayed the other boov in the face.

" I must hide, I am speaking the English to you" oh pleaded tip pated his face, and then jumped into the front seat. you settle yourself back in the back seat " why can you understands me?" oh asked " oh we understands you, we just don't care." you say as you put on your seat belt " hey look out!" oh warned "ahhh" tip swerved the car making you lean.

tip hit the gas peddle and took off. You guys were flying through the sky as your sister hummed as the drove " this is not a sustainable friendship model" oh grumbled.


it was now night time and oh was trying to take the duct tape off his arm " ow! quit it" oh yelled at tip who had just ripped the tape off his arm " sorry" she applosed  " look,Paris is dangerous for both of us. it crawls with boov. Doos you have a plan for once we are get there? hmm?" oh asked " not really. But I have hope " tip said " oh! you are made at math." oh said " Excuse me? I got an "A" in geometry" tip said " I am only saying boov are su[eroit in this. If probability for success falls below 50%(SIGH). Boov give up. You do not" oh said " exactly!" tip said yanking the tape from ohs forehead " enough with the ripping" oh yelled 

all the commotion also caused you to sture awake " mhm" you sit up from you position " okay, okay. Tell you what lets have some tuneage" tip said turning on the radio.

come on, I wanna dance in the dark

oh turned the radio to some other music that made pig jump from you lap. " what is that?" she asked

" boov song"

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