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"How would you feel if some horrible aliens took your mother from you?" Tip asked.

"That could not to happen. Boov are not having mimoms." Oh said "boov don't have family's. Huh. No wonder you tale things and don't care about anybody else." Tip stated

Oh looked down sadly "So, your mom...is a very important humansperson to you. More importanys than others. To not belong with her causes you being sad. But recent moments ago, you are kicking on me and yelling. Which is seeming more mad than sad." Oh stated.

"Well, sometimes it's both." You mutter "So, you are sad-mad." You and tip look at Oh before you and her stated crawling back into the car.

You were sleeping in the backseat of the car while Oh and  tip talked about the gorg "and that is why we keep running away." Oh explained.

"Woah. Why do these gorg hate you so much?" Tip asked "because they are gorg. We call Gorg the "takers"...because if you has something they takes it. Like I you had a sandwich. Or a plant." oh replied.

"No,no. I get it. But there not coming for this planet, right?" Tip asked "oh, no, no. Not to worry. The big brain boov will to fix my mistake. But I will still be very punished" Oh explained "we had a rule. Nine mistakes and you are out." He said.

"And how many mistakes do you have?" Tip asked "62." Oh averted his eyes to the side as he started turning blue "hmm. How know, when I'm stressed out, my mom tells me or y/n jokes." Tip said.

"Boov do not do telling jokes." Oh said  "oh its not hard. I'll teach you." Tip offered.

"Knock, knock" Tip said Oh just stared at her "you would say, "who's there?" Oh looked around confused "you are there." He said "no, just asked me." Tip said "who is there?" "Now I sawn "the interrupting cow." She explained. "Now you saw, "the interrupting cow, who"

"Let's just do it." She said "knock, knock.  " "who is there?" Oh asked "the interrupting cow." She replied "the interrupting cow-" "moo!" Tip began to laugh. So loud in fact that it ended up waking you up

"what happened," you lifted your head up and rubbed your eyes, 

"you did not let me finish my response. i was to say. the interrupting co-" "moo" tip did it again. "you did it again" of complained but gasped when he finally understood "oh...That is the joke. The cow is an interrupting cow... and therefore interrupts me!" he exclaimed.

"I know that's why it's funny." "moo!" oh exclaimed  "let me-" "moo!" "that's enough" "I am the interrupting cow! Moo!" "knock it off!" oh wouldn't stop no matter how much tip told him too "oh, don't make me get out more tape!"

Timeskip you were standing next to tip as she looked through a pair of binoculars looking at the Eiffel tower "so many boovs!" oh gasped I said this was dumbness. I said I am doomed. but doos you listen? No!" ohexclaimed "oh, that's enough!" tip yelled.

"You are driving me to the crazy! It is never too late to run away. That is the boov motto." oh yelled again "yes, but we're not doing that. I have a plan." tip said "is your plan to run away? because other way wise it is stupid"oh freaked out as he was turning red "dude calm down." you mumble. "all we have to do is sneak into the city...get into the great antenna, use it to find our mom and then sneak out again. see?" tip explained.  

you and tip began walking back to the car when h grabbed you by the wrist> "Buyt it still will not work because my face is known. if I am seen by any boov, I am 100% popular for being arrested." oh explained.

Tip put a hand on her cheeks "I got an idea!" you exclaimed whispering in tips ear. "I like the way you think." she smiled ruffling your hair."what if we could fix that?" tip smirked 

Oh gulped. 

You ran to the car and started rummaging through the back seat until you found it

A bright pink jewelry box in the shape of a heart.  You ran out of the car and tosses the box to tip.

she sat it on the log and opened it releasing make-up brushes and nail polish and a bunch of other tools.

oh gasped seeing all the stuff you and tip planned on using. She started off with some blush and put it on ohs face. Then took out a pen and a mirror and started putting them towards oh. Oh started leaning back "hold still." tip said "first little beauty mark." she said pressing onto the side of ohs face.

"hey! letting me see." oh exclaimed reaching towards tip "give to me, give to me!" oh exclaimed snatching the mirror from tip "give me that mirror."

Oh saw the mole on his face and gasped and squealed and began running around "it is like looking at a completed stranger!" oh exclaimed.

"no were no done, it's not even." you tried to explain but he wasn't listening  "you are a worker of miraculous transformation! who is this boov? I do not know!" oh screamed with joy and began running around, he ended up tripping on the log and ended up creaking the mirror

Im gonna end it here since I'm tired lol

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