I Can't Handle Change

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Walking out of the gas station with a Zero Ultra monster the panic finally set in. I was going to a completely new environment. After what happened at my old school I was nervous.

At my last school I faced a lot of transphobia and bullying. And I was scared that It could happen here. I don't even have my sibling with me either because they still go to my old school.

I shouldn't get too nervous too quick though. For all I know it'll be nothing like my old school. Maybe I'll even meet some cool people on the first day.

The pit of anxiety that resided in my stomach grew as I got closer and closer to the school. I felt sick once I got to school property.

At least I was starting this school at the beginning of the school year so I wasn't the only one starting their first day.

There were many people scattered around the lawn in the front of the school. I felt weary of the possible eyes that I could attract. I weaved my way through the many groups of people on my way to the front doors.

I got a few weird looks but not too many since I'm a short king and went mainly unnoticed. I have a love hate relationship with my height but I try to embrace it.

Inside the school it was even more packed and noisy. It was so noisy I could even hear it through my loud as fuck music blasting in my ears.

Out of no where some guy shoved into me. I looked over feeling pissed to see two idiots laughing. The one that was pushed into me was wearing an Iron maiden shirt and faded blue jeans with holes in the knees and a black zip up hoodie and he had very very curly fluffy brown hair that bounced with his lively movement.

"Don't fucking push me Frank!" The guy with the afro playfully yelled at the other. The idiot that he called Frank was much shorter than him. I couldn't get too good of a look at him but I noticed his brown swoopy hair.

I pushed off already feeling a head ache form. And after a butt fuck amount of pushing and shoving I made it through the crowd of pissy teenagers to the office to get my schedule. The office lady was nice but I could tell she was staring at my pentagram necklace. It amused me though so I didn't care much.


I managed to find my locker and find my first class, which was English. I made sure to get there a little early so then too many of the seats weren't already taken. I chose the desk in the back corner.

I noticed the idiot with the fluffy hair walk into the room but this time he wasn't accompanied with the short idiot.

This guy was as tall as him. This stranger had very straight hair that hugged the shape of his face.

These two seemed way more calm than the other moronic duo.

With that my thoughts were cut off by the bell ringing signaling that the first period has started.

I started zoning out immediately with all of the noise of the students all jumbling together making it insufferably loud.

"ALRIGHT!" the teacher projected, which resulted the entire class gradually shutting the fuck up.

I half listed as she introduced herself and talked about what she taught and that shit. I kept one earbud in as she was speaking. A deftones song was playing, not sure which one though. I'm terrible at remembering most song names.

My ears perked up when she said group project. Well fuck on a stick that sounds dreadfull. I don't know anyone what the hell am I to do.

"With the number of students in this class I decided to assign you all into groups of three." The teacher explained.

I chewed the inside of my cheek while I was waiting for my name to be called. I hope I don't get grouped with assholes. That'd be an absolute nightmare.

"Y/N, Ray and Michael." The teacher who I've already forgotten the name of called. Great now I gotta figure out who the fuck they are.

"Who's y/n?" I heard from the other side of the room. It appeared to come from the idiot that was shoved into me this morning. I have to admit I was slightly relieved to be in a group with someone I'm well sort of familiar with.

"Okay kids, go find your group members and be nice." The adult in a teaching position announced.

Yippee time for bound to be awkward social interaction. I love this for me.

Dats the end of this chapter. I'm a bit insecure about my writing but thats okay because I'm hot. Fr tho if anyone thats good at writing wants to give me some tips to improve that'd be greatly apreciated :) thansk for reading xo~

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