the gay shit kick starts

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An: Okay so in the way im writing this story imma write y/n with piercings. The piercings are gonna be a septum piercing, a nostril nose piercing, snake bites, tongue piercing and maybe ear piercings (idk i guess you can decide) you can imagine whatever color you want the jewely to be. Thnks

//an: we back to ur p.o.v!!!//

I felt so releaved that I got on with some cool people within the first hour of being at this new school. I went through the other classes up until lunch.

I got my tray of disgusting goop that barely qualifies as food. Standing at the edge of the cafeteria I scanned the room to try and find Ray and Mikey.

Luckily for Mikey being gangly and tall I was able to spot their table. As I made my way I saw them sitting with two other people.

One of them had shoulder length black greasy hair and the other one had dark swoopy emo hair.

Getting to the table Ray and Mikey cheered at my arrival making me feel more at ease. And they comotioned towards the empty seat next to Mikey.

"Gerard, Frank, this is y/n. He's cool and stuff." Ray introduced me to the strangers.

Frank's face lit up at me with a smile. Fuck that smile could kill. I'd do almost anything to see that smile again it's pathetic.

"Oh! Aren't you the guy that Ray was pushing around this morning?" Frank daringly asked me. You could tell by his tone that he was the type to fuck around and not take it too seriously. Before I could say anything Ray butted in all defensively.

"Pushing around my ass Frank you shoved me into him and you know it!" Ray defended. Frank seemed amused by Ray's defensiveness, as the rest of the group was.

"I don't know Ray, you're kind of an aggressive guy. I mean I wouldn't put it past you." Frank leaned back in his chair, taking the piss out of it. "Plus look at how far y/n is away from you, he's probably scared of you attacking him again." Frank added failing to hold back his smile, revealing that he wasn't saying this in any serious way.

"Bullshit! It only looks like he's far away from how short you are Frankie!" Ray exclaimed beaming with a big smile. To that remark frank made a very offended face. But it didn't look like it deeply upset him. It played off as fake hurt. Frank dramatically put his hand to his chest and gasped.

"Raymond Toro, I can't believe that you'd say that about me! I am very hurt by your choice of words." Frank then crossed his arms against his chest and stuck up his nose in the other direction. By Frank making this pose I noticed two things about him. I could see a tattoo creeping out the sleeves of his hoodie. I made out a switchblade from what I could see. And I just now noticed that he has a nose ring. It was silver and complemented his eyes amazingly well.

As the banter between the boys continued I was lost. I slipped into my own head taking in small details about frank. His eyes, the way they jumped around, the emotion that they so clearly expressed, how they squint a bit when he's smiling. His smile was everything, so electric and energizing. That smile could cure even the deadliest disease. I was then taken aback by Mikey shoving me a bit with his elbow.

"Yeah, how does that sound y/n?" Mikey pulled me back to reality with I question that I have zero context to.

"Huh?" I expressed my confusion to the group all eagerly looking to me.

"We were planning on hanging out after school and maybe watch a movie or something and We and were wondering if you'd like to join us." Frank explained looking at his hands the entire time. My heart warmed by the thought that people would want my company but I'm so scared of fucking it all up for myself.

"Maybe I'd have to ask my mom." I said fidgeting with my hands. Ray then, over Mikey, draped himself across me. I usually don't like being touched but with the dramatic absurdity I was fine with it.

"Oh y/n please I'm begging you! Don't leave me with them!" Ray cried holding onto my shoulders as if his life depended on it. His eyes pleadingly looked to me. Frank then joined in making puppy eyes.

"y/n it wouldn't be the same without you." Frank begged. The puppy eyes were very effective. I don't even know how it's possible but his eyes seemed ten times huger.

"pfft please you guys barely know me." I remarked, "And I never said that I didn't want to." I added. Even though the idea scared me a bit I couldn't say no to these idiots.

"Okay Ray times up get off of me and Y/n." Mikey said as Ray obeyed.

"Well y/n just know that if your mom says no I will kidnap you so we can hang out." Ray said in a ridiculously serious tone. We all laughed at Ray's harmless threat and carried on with the rest of our lunch.

The bell rang and we all started evacuating the cafeteria. To head to 4th period. As the group was walking out Frank came up to me and I could feel the butterflies flutter.

"So what class you got next? I could help you find it if you'd like." Frank offered as we parted away from the rest of our lunch group.

"Uh yeah that'd help alot, thanks." I said as I pulled out my schedule. I scanned down the paper to answer his question. Frank also looked at the paper with me, getting closer to get a better look. He then pointed at the paper.

"Ah sick, we got biology together! I could totally show you where that is." Frank exclaimed. As we walked our bodies kept brushing up against each others. I mean it happens in a crowded hall but it still felt special to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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