I'm a little gay boy

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A/n- imma start this chapter off in ray's pov to spice it up
"Y/n, Ray and Michael."

"Aw sick we're grouped together!" Mikey exclaimed as we high fived.

"Yeah," i excitedly agreed, "but who's Y/n?" I questioned never hearing of that person before.

"Beats me." Mikey shrugged in response.

"Okay kids, go find your group members and be nice!"

Instead of doing something smart and reasonable like looking for whoever y/n is. Mikey and I decided to just stay at or desks and kick each other.

After a minute of kicking some dude walked up to us. He was kinda short but not crazy short and he had fluffy dyed hair and a pentagram necklace caught my eye.

"You guys Ray and Michael?" He played his hands a bit.

"Yeah, are you y/n?" I responded to da boy.

"Yup." The new kid replied as he sat in the desk across from ours. I swear I've seen this kid from somewhere but I have absolutely no idea who where or how.

To kill the possible silence between the three, I blurted out, "You seem familiar, do we know eachother?"

"Uh yeah, I think you're the guy that was pushed into me earlier." Y/n said with a bit of venom at the end. Goddamn it Frank.

"Oh shit that was you? I'm sorry about that dude." I apologized feeling bad and embarrassed.

"It's fine. Don't get too stressed about it." Y/n waved his hands in reinsurance. He seemed really chill.

"So are you new here?" Mikey butted in in his usual cool tone.

"Yeah, I used to go to the school on the next town over." Y/n responded as he fumbled with the bottom of his grey hoodie.

"Why'd you move?" I asked continuing the conversation in curiosity.

"Uhh, I don't really want to talk about that." Y/n muttered obviously uncomfortable with that topic. What the fuck did he do at his other school.

Cutting us off at that moment the teacher started blabbering about whatever the fuck teachers blabber about. The entire time the three of us were quietly chatting, completely ignoring our teacher.

We talked about music and aparently y/n like similar music to me and Mikey. We chatted more and more until the bell rang, dismissing us from class.

"Y/n you should sit with us at lunch, you seem pretty cool." I suggested as we flooded out the door with our classmates.

"Yeah that sounds good. See you guys later!" Y/n waved bye and went off in the opposite direction in the hall.

**A/N- y'all the chapters get longer I promise haha also i wont upload the next chapter until I get al least one star thank youuu <3**

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