Chapter 7: Hordes

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My mind drifted off once I had succumbed to the call of tiredness. I slept off gently, my mind wondering towards Cassei and her camp.
I wondered how she was doing and holding up. Hopefully she wasn't worried about me. Maybe they believed I died. I guess it was better that way.
  However... I was sure we would meet again soon. And their reactions to seeing me would be entertaining. Especially the Mayor who tossed me out. He would pay eventually.

  Soon enough my eyes slid open and I was greeted to the warmth of the tree. It had covered me up with its vines again which caused me to smile gently.
I got up once the vines opened up before turning around to see three individuals on one knee. A bow of loyalty huh...

They all grunted the word Our Queen which concluded my initial thought. The transformation worked.
They weren't as ugly looking anymore as they were initially as infected, they had a more human like body, by their faces still seemed different. Unlike mine that looked human, theirs had vine lines that stretched down to the side of their heads. Blue veins.
And on their shoulders were two flowed instead of one like mine. They looked like mutated infected really. But there were revenants in a sense as well. The souls of the individuals that died had resides inside them now.

Two males and one female. The female being the first I turned.

"Rise...." I grunted out as they obeyed without question. So I really could make more.

"Thank you for saving us... our loyalty belongs to you..." She grunted out as I held my blade on my back and pulled it out before resting it on the tree; lifting the weight off my back.

"I didn't really save you... more like have you a new.... life..." I answered as the first male stepped up.

"But you did give us another chance to life.... even if as infected..." he pointed out as I stretched towards the tree which caused the vines to grow towards me.

"Fair.... point...." I replied again.
Our conversations were more vague than this. Since we had lost most of our knowledge of the English language. But of course we still understood what we were trying to say in our infected words.

"We ask for new names...and the name of our creator..." The second male said as he walked up closer. I turned to face them while the vines wrapped around my body gently.

"Names Huh...." I started as I looked to the first male.

"Your name.....Seraph..." I said as he bowed gently; accepting the name.
I turned to the female next and gave her the name Vira. And the last male; Zandof.

"And we ask.... for our saviors name..." Vira spoke up as my infected eyes flowed brightly..

"....Soulen.... I am Soulen... Your creator... and the first..." I said gently as they smiled gently and bowed a bit

Their formality was a bit too much. But it couldn't be helped anyway.
After that was sorted out, I decided to ask what happened at their village. Of course them being born from an infected, their memories; few of it had been lost. But they were still able to remember most of it.

They weren't infected at the time I met them like I initially thought. However they tried to save one of their village members who was infected. When the church found out, they accused them of aiding evil and thought to punish them, announcing that they were infected as well.
Which in the end brought them to their deaths.

"How cruel..." I replied as I held my chin.

The church were never my friends to begin with and this had given me a more solid reason to not like them. However, if need be I'd have to work with them for information later on.

"Lady Soulen....I recall an area where infected are gathered...might be a memory of when I was just an infected..." Zandof spoke as it peaked my interest.

They all nodded in agreement as I smirked gently.
A place of infected huh... it would be worth while to see how far I can go as an half infected. Would they be hostile or not. Especially the bigger more mutant infected. The low level ones would obviously be friendly with us.

"Alright...we will visit that place soon... however, I need to teach you a bit of combat... and link you with the tree..." I said gently as the rose their brows in curiosity.

So for the next four days, I trained them each in one-on-one combat as well as group combat ( three of them ) at the same time. They were quick learners, Really quick.
And after that, I linked them all to the tree which allowed me to feel their presence even if we were further away across the earth. As long as there foot were on the earths crust or an area where the vines of this tree were placed.
There was also the incident where we nearly lost control. Apparently we had a limit to how long we could fight or attack. Each attack, jumps, dodge or the likes took an amount of the flowers energy on our shoulder. I noticed this while we trained away from the flowers that bloomed with spores.
After fighting for a few hours, the energy on our own flowers died out and we lost control of ourselves for a few seconds.
It felt like we were loosing our bodies to the infected until the tree quickly grew towards us and bloomed its flower; the spores entering us as it refilled the flower on our shoulder.
We had to be careful with how we used our energy. At least we knew how it worked now.

Once all was taught and linked, we gathered what we needed. Which was simply my blade and a bit of the used human corpse flesh as food. As much as it sounded disgusting, it tasted really good... the tree wrapped around us and took us straight to a certain abandoned area.
It looked like a burnt down concert area. I could hear multiple infected inside which was a slight nervous feeling.
With no emotions, on my face, I walked into the area as the infected turned to face me for a few seconds before ignoring and returning to either roaming aimlessly or falling asleep on the spot.

I walked through the horde of infected with Vira, Seraph and Zandolf at my back until we entered an opened area where a huge infected was at the opposite side. It was huge and tall. With a massive right arm reinforced with a strong material. While on it's left shoulder a missile launcher. If i recalled, it was named iron arm.
Without warning, a missile flew towards our direction and blew up once it hit me.
The explosion was loud that it woke up the other infected. And probably alerted others in the vicinity.
Once the smoke cleared, I still stood there unfaze; dusting the smoke off my body as I stared at the infected.
To be honest I was actually scared when it flew towards me. It was unexpected.
Once the infected noticed I didn't die from it, it took a step back as I pulled my blade from my back, my eyes glowing Blue as I grunted gently


".....Are going to pay for that...."

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