Chapter 23

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The visible confusion on his face was a bit amusing. Had I really change that much within 2 months? Well I probably did. His expression confirmed it.

   "I should have known... you'd be the Revent Queen Soulen." He said with a little smile; his white teeth shining gently within the moonlight.

A small smile replied to his as I got off him and stretched my hand to help him up. He accepted and pulled himself off the ground before dusting his outfit.
   Seconds later, his eyes trailed down my outfit then at me.

      "What?" I asked innocently as he shook his head before scratching behind his neck.

"I am just in awe. You've become a beauty... uh... a deadly beauty I guess." He said holding his chin in thought as I poked him lightly on his forehead.

     "I haven't really killed in two months." I admitted. This took him aback as he rose a brow at my reply.

I could understand why. Most times whenever I was present, there was death and bodies piled around. And that was mainly caused by the killings of my revenants. But it mattered less to me as it didn't affect my goal to increase our strength and numbers.

   "What... are you doing here anyway..?" He asked me as I tilted my head to the side; contemplating on whether to tell him or not.

       "Collecting bodies. And if ya wondering what... well.." Just before I could finish my sentence, a voice called out.

  "Yo Eddie! You here?!" The rough male voice echoed through the sky as Eddie heaved a sigh.

  I vaguely remembered the voice. A memory from 2 months ago before I left of someone who made a dumb mistake before. What was his name...
   Just as I was debating on what his name was, a masculine figure slowly emerged from below. As it came forward, I took two steps back before jumping up to the hilltop behind me then quietly watched as he came up to Eddie.

   "Finally found you dude. We really need to start heading to the outpost close by. The scientist and the other survivor have started moving." He said with heavy breaths. He probably ran all the way here.

   He had the same assault armor that Eddie had with an electric arc at his back as a katana at his side. Some Grenades at his side as he brushed his blonde hair a bit. Was his hair always blonde? I couldn't remember. After all, our meeting wasn't a lasting memory. Yes.. the person below was Shariq. The same person that caused me to loose control because he shot me out of nowhere.

   Now of course I was no longer angry at him or held any grudges. However, causing a bit of scare into him right now would be fun.

   "Yeah yeah, I was about to make my way back" Eddie replied as he placed one hand on the tree nearby while he bent down to pick up his lead shotgun.

"You managed to get all the zombies that was chasing us. Nice one!" Shariq praised Eddie as he simply shook his head.

   "It wasn't me that killed them." Eddie admitted. This left Shariq confused.

"I did.." I said softly as Shariq looked up. Once he did, I lunched myself off the cliff.

    Before he could pull out his gun, I landed behind him and grabbed him from behind before flipping him to the ground. He groaned in pain as I walked around him before stopping at his head. I leaned down slightly as he slowly opened his eyes and met my gaze.

   "Hi there." I said as he froze for a few seconds.

"The Revent Queen..." he began before Eddie shrugged gently.

    "Remember Soulen? That's her." Eddie pointed out as Shariq shifted his gaze to him then at me.

  "Wait seriously??" He said after blinking multiple times. My smile didn't fade though. And my faintly glowing blue eyes illuminated gently.

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