Chapter 24: Panther...

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The night were always my Favourite time to relax. Yet, this time there was no relaxation for me.
My silver hair blew to the side as I slowly stared down at the scenery. Massive ruins of buildings. And yet, only a single structure stood tall; though a little affected. The mansion like castle known as black pearl castle, At least that's what I thought it was stood massively at the center

    Aiding me on this adventure we're Zandof, Seraph, Vira and around 11 more revenants. Where each 11 had either a weapon of some sort. Be it a shotgun, rifle or a blade.
They all stood behind me; awaiting my orders as I gently hummed to the quiet night.

    "Shall we begin...?" I said gently as everyone jumped down and made their way towards the ruins.

It should be obvious now, we were like scavengers. Searching for bodies, materials; basically  anything we could use be it alive or dead. But our main goal was to strengthen ourselves. A war with Mother felt inevitable and I needed to be prepared if truly it comes.

   Few minutes passed and I soon joined them below. I slowly stood up from the tree I was in and jumped down to the ruined scenery in-front of me.
  Walking slowly, I scanned and observed my environment; my mind processing what had happened here. It looked like a fortress, at least the castle looked magnificent and grand yet it fell so easily. Were the infected overwhelming during the early stages? Or was it a fatal mistake that caused such demise..

    Seraph soon appeared behind me as he showed me a few supplies we could add to the cave. Vira followed next with a few dead bodies which I began separating for food and for warriors.
Once that was done, they rejoined my side and followed me as I walked around; slowly making my way towards the castle itself.

   Halfway there however, we encounter a horde of infected. This wasn't surprising though as it was common to see at least an infected in every area and part of this destroy world.
They were either roaming or sleeping; not minding us any attention.

   "No matter how I see it mistress, it bothers me we were once like them." Seraph said, his deep voice soothing to my ears.

   A small smile formed once he spoke as I heaved a sigh gently. Vira twirled with her hair for a few seconds before turning to notice some other bigger infected.

    "A small amount of mutants should be around here. If a good team of survivors come here, they wouldn't have any problems.." Vira pointed out as I held my chin in thought.

  "I have a feeling some might have already and lost a few of their members.." I said softly as I stared at male corpse infront of me. The logo of his camp fading gently on his left breast pocket.

   Ignoring it seconds later, we finally arrived at the foot of the castle. Truest magnificent despite its current state. It surely was more divine during its prime days before the incident. Truly saddening..

   Just before we entered, I got a glimpse of Zandof soaring through the skies. He stopped for a brief moment as I smiled at him before he continued what he was doing leaving us to return our gazes to the entrance. We slowly entered, pushing the wooden door open and emerging in the hallway.

    "....hmm..." I said as Seraph and Vira began exploring the rooms leaving me to roam about.

  Despite the broke furnitures, dried up blood and the few dead bodies of infected, I could imagine how exquisite this place once was. The furnitures alone would have cost a fortune. Who ever lived here must be one greedy bastard... then again, some could be very polite.

   I made my way up the stairs only to abruptly halt in tracks. Blood..? It was still fresh. The scent alone was enticing. There were no blood stains anywhere near the stairs, however, I could perceive the faintest of it somewhere here. Curious as I was, I followed the scent trail of blood. Moving from room to room as they had a giant hole in them.

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