Chapter 8: Nemesis

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The giant mutant aka 'Iron arm' growled loudly as it charged towards me.
Vira, Seraph and Zandolf jumped backwards as I held my blade tightly while standing my ground.
Once it got close enough, it launched itself up as it attempted to slam me down with its reinforced hand.

   I held the blade above me and blocked its attack as the ground beneath my feet cracked from the impact. the impact was strong. Strong enough for me to grunt from the slight shockwave.
With a swift side step, I swung my sword across its chest as it groaned from the pain before jumping back.
My blade dripped with its blue blood as my blank expression didn't change.
Slowly, I walked towards it as it went into a shooting position and charged his missiles.

   "That.... won't work..... again...." I grunted as it fired three missiles at me. As each one got closer, I sliced at them; causing it to explode infront of me while I continued my deadly slow-approach.

  From the way it behaved, it's mind had been advanced quite a bit. Unlike the plain infected that were somewhat dumb, this particular infected was a brains higher than them. It knew when to back up and also attack. But it was still slightly dumb and probably rouge

Well iron arm was the first infected to actually see me as a threat.

I stopped once I noticed a flower growing from its chest. This was rather new. It slowly grew till it bloomed and I could feel some of the spores that flew out enter me instantly.
I also noticed something else. A dark blue spore flew about on the ground near him. It's color was different, different from the ones I've seen.
I went towards it as my body instantly absorbed it.

My body felt strong, my right arm and legs felt a bit more powerful. Did the darker spore boost my strength? Or give me an ability? The ability of the mutant? The thoughts of what to do came into my mind like a memory as Iron arm growled and jumped then attempted to slams me again.
I managed to dodge it but got grabbed and flung towards the main entrance gate. I knocked a few infected in the air as I came crashing into the metallic gate; groaning from the pain.

Vira, Seraph and Zandof rushed towards me as I slowly stood up. I growled gently, spiting out the the blue blood that formed in my mouth before walking towards it as it charged its missile cannon again. This time I ran towards it, Running faster and moving closer until I was within a suitable range.

   I launched myself 20 Feats into the air before slamming my hand down infront of him. The ground shock heavily, every infected in the area collapsing or tumbling as the shockwave sent the Mutant infected onto its back.
    I growled once more as I launched myself up yet again and came fist flat into his face, his body exploding on impact.
I grunted gently, then growled before giving a loud scream as Vira and Seraph came closer.

Zandolf handed me my blade which I placed on my back before he pointed to another infected in the distance, it was probably another mutant... or maybe higher grade infected. It carries a giant mallet slugged over it's muscular shoulders. It was taller. Not as tall as iron arm but roughly 7 feet tall or more. Iron arm was around 10 feet or so. This things were stupidly tall. It made me conscious of my own height... aside Vira, even the other two revenants; Seraph and Zandof where 6.7.

I growled in frustration as it came closer to me before seeing the chaos and the reinforced arm that was left of the mutant 'Iron arm'
It grunted a bit before speaking asking if I did this. I responded with a grunt as it stared at me before turning around.
This one was smarter than iron arm. That was a given fact now. It growled then screamed loudly as the other infected around came closer.

A call to arms huh.. seems they were going somewhere. I planned on following anyway, i felt like it would be worth while to be with them for a bit. If anything I could get something or a weapon for my own creations to use and fight.
Just as we were about to start moving, the ground slowly began to shake. Something was coming. The feeling was so nostalgic I grabbed my sword in annoyance. It reminded me too much of the infected bride that killed my father.

And as if that wasn't enough, something crashed into the wall and ran straight towards us before stopping some seconds later; screaming loudly.

My eyes widened with disbelief, my mouth opened slightly as I noticed the Giant Blood stained X on its belly. My breathing quickened as my hands gripped the sword so tight you could see them turn more pale than usual.

It was the infected bride. The same damn infected that killed my father. Without thinking I growled and grunted at the bride and attempted to charge at her but the mutant with the giant mallet slammed its weapon infront of me causing me to stop in my track.
It stared down at me; intimidating me as I took a step back and growled gently, looking at the ground.
It picked up its mallet and placed it on its shoulder again as the infected bride led the way while everyone else slowly followed.

I was going to kill the bride. Now that she was in my grasp, I was definitely going to kill her. But for now, I followed them without question just like the other infected. Now is not the time. But soon... real soon... I would have my revenge.

"I've... found.... her.... father...." I grunted out as I held the golden necklace in hand gently before letting it fall back to my chest as The revenants and I followed quietly in front of the Hordes of infected

For days we walked and walked. We were all dead so we didn't need food or water, the sun did little damage to us and as well kept walking we attacked those who were weak on the way; Tearing them up and eating them.
And as we kept going, I felt like I was loosing my humanity slowly now that I joined them. But despite that, I ventured forward and followed the horde.

After all....

...I had long forgotten the right path to salvation...

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