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(Lajla (Author) : will be a long chapter and sorry for the big time skip)

(and strangers again...)

(Play song) (1 year later)

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(Play song) (1 year later)

I sit in her hospital room impaitenly, still waiting for her to wake up.

One year passed since I got a call from them she would wake up in a year or less than a year.

But she still hasn't woke up.

A lot happened in the last year.

Athena is now dating Emilio, what, in my opinion, is shit but she should do what she likes. Lorenzo took over the mafia, since I wanted to live with Valerie alone after she wakes up.

Matteo got a girlfriend. She's pretty and caring, but nothing for me.

Gianna is now living alone, and also waits for her daughter.

Amanda is a lot taller than now, and even that she is adopted, she is exactly like her "sister". The same sarcastic level, the attitude, the jokes, the laugh. Everything. Like a mini version of my wife.

And about her father. He still is in the basement. When Valerie doesn't wake up, I'll kill him.

And me, well I still live in the mansion and help them with some business, but besides that, I work in a little shop and afford some more money there.

I walked out of the hospital room and to the reception. ,,Hey, can I talk with the doctor of Valerie Grey, please?", I asked a nurse who sat there and in response, she nodded ad typed something on her keyboard.

,,Sure, he'll be there in half an hour. He is currently busy, but you can wait in the waiting room or in her personal room. I'll tell him you're waiting.", she smiled at me.

,,Thank you very much.", I smiled back and made my way again back to her room.

She still has the bracelet around her arm, I gifted her for her 24th birthday. The necklace with her name on it around her neck. The dress in her closet.

Nothing changed. She didn't even looked like she aged. Still the perfect brown hair, the freckles, rose lips and her scent. She didn't lose her scent even though she is in a hospital. The only thing that changed was her body. It looked like she didn't ate anything over the past two years.

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