Chapter 7

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Wedding had been fairly simplistic. Except for the presence of some of the most deadly people in Italy, everything appeared minimalistic. Her white dress had been exactly of her size, complementing her soft curves at just the right places.

She walked down an aisle alone. Her long cathedral veil, minimum makeup and simple bun did not hinder her way from attracting attention. Now that she knew what kind of power she had married to, it all made sense, the fawning appreciation, narrowing gazes, inundating importance, everything.

At the end of aisle he offered his hand like a gentleman. Engulfing her small hand in his, pulling her closer, she didn't dare look from floor, drenched in sweat and shame, feeling his sharp gaze  through the sheer veil.

As priest said rites of marriage her hand started profusely sweating, the quiver of her lips visible. Never in her dreams had she thought she would ever get married to Italian don.

"Do you Donavan Frantino, take Tara Rao as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold..."

Tara had stopped listening after 'Donavan Frantino'

That is his name. 

She was hearing it the first time, on their wedding day, ironically from someone else's mouth. She glimpsed up her lashes to find his penetrating gaze already on her, she saw his lips moving before two words came out,

"I do"

Now her name was addressed, her turn to confirm her compliance to bend for her father's wishes, her turn to willingly jump down the valley she knew only grew thorns.

"I do" words had found her before grief. He slowly lifted the veil taking his time in savoring the moment, her eyes yet again finding the floor in dread, avoiding his gaze.

Closing the distance he took her neck in his hold, forcing her tearful gaze to meet his. He took a moment to watch her eyes, noticing the unwillingness glimpsing through before bending down to her level, taking her lips by his. She feebly rested her hand on his chest, responding to his softly moving lips, very unlike the night when he had taken her in fervid passion. Cheers echoed through the expansive church, his lips lingering longer than necessary, slowly pulling apart. She released a shuddering breathe she hadn't realised she had been holding all along. 


Her cheeks hurt from fake smiling. All that she had so far was Italians had big families. His endless cousins, brothers, sisters, their spouses and children, she was sure she had already forgotten half of their names. No matter how widely they smiled, the way their eyes moved up and down her body backed her every reason of being self conscious. She knew she was way too mediocre for him. The way Italians dressed and awarded beauty, she was clearly an unlikely choice for their don.

They weren't the only ones who had their suspicions about Don's marriage, Tara had too. There had to be something greater at stake that Donavan agreed into marrying someone like her. But then again, his corrupt images from in between her legs came speedily back, making her reconsider her doubtful suspicions. If he wasn't attracted to her why would he do what he did. This was all a mystery she hoped would unfold itself one day.

Reception lasted longer than wedding, buzzing with celebrations. Donavan had been busy with seemingly important people. Unlike the revealing gown given to her for reception, she decided to wear a sari, probably just to piss every judgy Italian off. She looked fairly elegant and distinctive in everyone attending. Once in his sight he had given her appreciative look, briefly letting his gaze skim over her form before heading back into his conversation. She was grateful for getting time alone from him, she used it to know his endless family better. So far she hadn't heard about a single woman who wasn't a house wife. It worried her , if no one worked in his family how in the hell had he allowed her to? He was don after all.

It was already 7pm, she did a quick calculation in her head. There was hardly any time to travel back to their mansion, set up her laptop and prepare by 8. She was yet to tell him about the interview.

This is the perfect time.

Telling him in public would be safe and effective, at least for time being.
She approached him, attracting more gazes of bystanders as they watched her elegant strides in Don's direction. His menacing gaze immediately spotted her, so did everyone else's in his discussion. Seeing their Donna coming to meet their don everyone excused themselves, respecting the couple's privacy.

Tara was taken aback by the gesture, her steps faltering. A strange smile spread on his features as the colour of her face faded. Taking her delicate hand in his he pulled her closer, too close to be considered appropriate in public.

"What" he whispered staring at her lips,

Her throat tightened at their suffocating closeness, she had already forgotten what she had come here to say. When his brow raised in question did she remembered her purpose. 

"Ca...can we le..leave?" She stuttered, suddenly feeling embarrassed, unsure how she'll justify the cause.

"Why" he asked in his cool voice, his gaze on her lips unwavering, she shuffled in discomfort. "I....I...." she closed her eyes tightly. Now that she thought about it, she should have conveyed him earlier.  He had every right to be mad to be informed of her arrangements at an eleventh hour. 

A deep chuckle was heard.

"You can't wait to get your virgin pussy fucked? is that it?"

Goosebumps rose on her body, flushing her golden skin at his shameful remark. "No no.....oh god no...I just...I...I have to reach early"

Deafening silence prevailed.

She slowly looked up at him to find incomprehensible expression plastering his face. "Why" he demanded, clearly irritated.
"I...I have an interview"
"I thought you already had a job"
She shivered at his harsh tone.
"I...I..I was shortlisted. This inte...interview will decide everything"
"And you're telling me this now?" She noticed how his jaw clenched with the question.
"I...I am sorry...please...I can't miss this"
"Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you are in? His suddenly raised voice attracted attention of few by passers. She quickly realized her grave mistake of choosing a public setting.
"Please...I am sorry" guiding her hand up his chest she pleaded.
"What's in for me?" He asked, suddenly catching her off guard.
"Huh?" She squinted, confused, not having a good feeling about this.

"I provide you, I let you work, I give you fucking home, what do you do for me?"

His tone didn't hide his cloaked intention. Reality sunk on her at his question. She truly had nothing to offer back for his kindness except for her willingness to submit. He closed the distance between them even further, whispering in her ear.

"Do I get to punish you?"

She froze. Standing still like a statue. Taking her quietness into notice he gave a smirk,

"If you bring nothing to the table I see no reason to bend as per-" 

"Yes" she said before he could change his mind. "Yes what?" he mused.
" ge...get to pu...punish me"
"What else do I get?" He was quick to ask, expecting just the three words she said next,
"An..anything you want"

He chuckled at her perfection.

"Good girl" delighted at her response he pushed a strand away from her face.

"Let's go shall we?"

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