Chapter 24

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It was a fairly short flight and yet Donavan had a lot of things to do. At the moment, he had decided to focus all in on his wife's activity.
He wasn't stupid to let her use an unsecured device and shares files without any super tech monitoring. Before she even entered frantino mansion her belongings were undertaken thoroughly for detailed filtration. Her phone, her bags and her laptop was checked for viruses, and potential threats. Her baggage was plain, nothing out of order or suspicious. However being a part of mafia, no one could relax back for a second. Donavan's technical team had direct remote access of her devices. They utilized extensively modern techniques and softwares to detect any gave and take of secretive codes and leakage of sensitive data.  Everything that she sent and received, especially during her job adventure was analyzed for breach of information that could be threat to the familiglia, all the while she remained utterly uninformed about how her privacy was methodically butchered behind her back.

It had been a while since he personally went through her stuff. With his increasing curiosity about her, he found himself doing it often, wanting to know what she did all day, whom she talked to, what she read and wrote.
He gave a brief look her way, seeing she even now  was busy on her laptop. Judging from his line of sight she was reading something. He immediately clicked on current activity to know what she was reading. It was a case study of chemotherapeutic drug undergoing clinical trials. He tried to but struggled to even understand a sentence. She really looked in a trance, concentrating on the content while being completely unaware of her device being mirrored. He mingled through her chats, finding them utterly professional. No sign of friendliness or affection, no sharing of personal details, no out of line greetings and no unnecessary conversations. He scrolled as he found all the files she shared with her clients, all being extremely to the point and eloquent. He was pleased to find out how perfectly she had camouflaged in. She was smart. She knew if she even gave out a hint of connection with anyone outside family, she'd be ruined and even after being in contact with the outside world she was like a stranger in the crowd, a dangerous woman in the introverted cloak. She didn't let out a single piece of information that could trace back to him. Appreciating her intelligence, he looked at her again, finding her still drowned in whatever she read. He hadn't planned on taking her with him but his desires spoke for themselves and made him change his mind, he couldn't imagine yet another month without her.
Plus his family would being there, it'd be better if she gets accustomed to them earlier than later. He was sure his family would not interest her. From what he knew, she wasn't the type of women who got entertained by people.  Nonetheless his family was to be her present, future and everything in between.

She wasn't confusing in bed, at all. When he had her below him she was the most simple woman wishing to be anywhere but under him. Her enigma only unfolded itself when she stood, not under his mercy or influence. She was herself. Someone that should never even dream to be Don's wife and yet she was. She stayed herself, powerful and strong in her own little cage of mind. She wore the spotless glowing skin of innocence but under the deeper layers her veins rustled with strength. He couldn't wait to reach until then and tear her apart like a fragile doll she was. Her fire irritated him as much as sparkled his desires. It was until he completely demolish her fire would he stop breaking her.
He had planned the whole month for her, for them, the places he'd take her to, the things he'd show, the things he'd do. His dick twitched merely at the thought.
God, this women!
Tara squirmed under his gaze. He didn't seem to be in any hurry to take his eyes off her. Before she prayed for floor to open up and take her inside, he moved his eyes back on his tab making her visibly relax.
He didn't know why but he opened her file once again, the same file that his men had prepared when he was proposed a marriage deal for her. Then he hadn't read it in details, just that she went to a prestigious college, rarely had any friends and somehow had a degree in biotechnology, all that was significant. But now he wanted to know everything. His eyebrows raised at the results score cards from her school, she was clearly smart. Although it was bad for her to attract attention at school, she had, from having acquiescences at the faculty, to unused scholarships, she had made people turn their necks. After successful schooling she had went for a university nearby, continuing homeschooling most of the time, only attending for project work, practicals and exams. She had five research projects under her name. Through this period she had made no friends what so ever. No one knew where she lived snd who her father actually was. Donavan wondered how her father had been so compliant with his daughter being so studious and college going. Her extreme discipline and conservative nature had prevented her from making any external connections, preserving her true identity just perfectly. That's all that mattered after all. Even if her nature was outgoing she must have suppressed herself, to avoid getting understood and eventually put her studies in danger. Alas she was the daughter of mafia, if it wasn't for her family background she could have been so much more. For the fraction of second he felt pity for her before realising she wouldnt be in the fists if she wasnt in mafia.

If kinking smart women isnt pleasurable, nothing is.

He appreciated her in his own fucked up ways, knowing it'd be his pleasure to watch her life crumbling down. He sighed before closing her file, knowing that he knew just a little bit more about his wife today. If it was for any other circumstances  he could bet he would have still found her attractive. And he was aware too that she wouldn't. No matter what he did or appeared as like, she would never bend to him, atleast willingly. She made clear of that with their every eye contact.

She felt uncomfortable for the half hour straight, struggling to feel okay as his eyes watched her with newly found ecstacy, as if he had known her secret, as if he knew her more than she ever wanted him to. Gazing out the window of his private jet she tried to look through the window, distracting herself from thr man of her nightmares. As the pilot announced the descend she fastened her seatbelt, still finding his eyes unusually curious to her.
I dont even know where I am.
Just as the thought crossed her, her eyes dilated at the scene unfolding at the clouds dispersal. The hint of the world infamous golden tower became prominent as plane came across its sight. It dawned exactly where she was.

Authors note: I am so glad you came across this piece of story that I so randomly started writing. Love you all. Tell me anything you want talk about.

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