Chapter 57

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She didn't have much to offer, just as she had miniscule to gain. All that she knew was this was worth doing, regardless of his leniency or rejection, love or unavoidably, hate.

And exactly as she had foreseen, he looked bewildered, far from denying the offer she had put on the display, too aware of her intentions.

He gulped as he watched her soft curves, inches away from his touch, urging to be ravished.

He wished he had the guts to tell her to fuck off, to walk away like she had little to no effect on him, but she had raised the stakes far too high to let go without a taste and for god's sake he hadn't seen it coming. As a matter of fact, he never saw it coming. She was wildly unpredictable, innocently sinister in her own ways.

He loathed his emotions that softened instantly, annealing into whatever she wanted them to be. Even as his sharp gaze alone would make people tremble with intimidation, her eyes watched him as if she had nothing to hide. There wasn't a remnant of ambition, as if she didn't hope to gain anything at the end, that there wasn't a sweet low hanging fruit as a result of her seduction.

From rolling so far in their married life, he knew she did look forward to something, she always did.

He stopped himself from looking down at her body, knowing it will only make him lose his control.

"You, Missus Frantino, are playing a dangerous game"

She took only a moment before muttering,

"Then play with me" She walked a step back to him, watching him in the reflection as her hand softly traced backwards to the front of his pants, caressing what had now hardened underneath.

She gasped as in a second, both of her wrists were tightly gripped behind her back, scotching any advancement she would have made with them. He inhaled her scent, pushing his face in the crook of her neck.

As if to assure, more to himself than her, he intoned menacingly,

"Regardless of what I do to you tonight, you are leaving to Italy tomorrow"

She knew that wouldn't happen.

"Let's see about that" she whispered, confident that at any cost, she wouldn't go back alone.

He felt irritated at her obdurate stance, not comprehending what the big fuss was about. It was just a matter of week that he had asked for himself. As soon as he finished the deal with Auclairs, he was anyway going to return to her. There wasn't no doubt she acted unreasonable.

This time he decided, he'd not let her rule. She'd listen to what he says with peace, or without it. In every way, she'd leave tomorrow.

He maintained his cool, tightening his hold on her small wrists that effortlessly fit in his grasp.

"You seem pretty confident for a women who fucked up" 

Yet again she was reminded that she no longer held a position to demand. She, of course knew she had lost his trust, denied his love, tried to avoid the pregnancy behind his back. There was no reason for him to give her an ear, but what her motivation stemmed from was a place far too dark, beyond his comprehension.

She kept quiet, maintaining his gaze that slowly as ever swept to her form. He moved closer, letting his hand touch her waist, feeling her soft skin. There was a sudden jerk as her back collided with his front, his hands firmly grouping her breasts, twisting the hard pebbles, as he yet again inhaled her scent, melting in her thick dark hair.

"You know sometimes I say something, and you say something back, that's how people talk" he explained in monotonous tone, still working on his possessions, giving each mound equal attention as the other. She gasped when an unexpected slap landed on her right breast, her hands rendering futile in his strong hold.

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