Chapter 23

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Italy was like a painting. Every scene even through the frame of a tinted window could easily be sold as a million worth portrait. As the limo took its turns through the italy's some of the most prestigious roads, Tara had an opportunity to witness the history of its ancestors. The stellar churches and tombs, humongous mansions and divine buildings. She had only read of these places in the random history books. She momentarily felt grateful for her eyes. She knew Italy was beautiful but to witness it with her own eyes was an experience worth living so far was. She decided if she ever managed to survive the life she was put through, at least once she would wonder around this country, enter the churches she was now only seeing from outside, feel the history happening through the narrow roads.
The forty five minute ride through the most comfortable car in the world, she savored the liberty of looking out the window. As much as her husband's cousin tried to make her uncomfortable, she simply looked away, turning her blind eye on the man who only had guts to look, she somehow knew he wouldn't make a move on her, he would be stupid to. As thought perfectly, Ron did made her feel secure simply by his presence.
She found it astounding how a moment of peace had found her through the ruins of her miseries. She hadn't expected to be at even a miniscule amount of peace at the churning memories of the recent night. Donavan's ways had branded her body and mind, probably forever. As the car neared the airport road, she realised how it had come to an end, the peace. The simple idea to see him once again was itself a grim. She was sure if she saw his face one more time, she'd pass out.
Not because he frightened her, no, but because he owned her and made no mistake in branding the exact same truth over and over again.

Each night with him was another episode of the ugly truth of her being nothing more than an object, someone else's, with no right and respect, something that can be used and discarded without the care in the world and unlike any other women in mafia Tara found it undigestable, unacceptable. She knew this nature wouldn't help her survive but she had to.
There is no other way.
The limo came to the stop with an elegant break. She watched with a dropped jaw as a magnificent private jet shined in all its white glory in the morning sunlight. Before she could even pick her jaw, Ron opened the door for her. A frighteningly speedy air hit her face like a storm, introducing her to the world that laid outside the luxurious limo. She tried to step out of the car with as much as respect for the luxury she could.
"Thankyou" smiling softly she mumbled at the bulky man.
"Please enter. Don would be inside" Ron spoke gently to not sound commanding, gesturing at the private plane. Taking hesitant steps towards the plane she watched awkwardly as Dominic came out of the car and walked straight inside the jet without giving her a single look. She couldn't believe he was the same guy who paid her unwanted attention at the times when her husband wasnt in the the same room.
Her legs lightly shook as she tried to walk towards the stairs of the plane. She gave a final look back towards Ron, somehow expecting him to accompany her inside. She cringed at her needs to be protected, despising her life that felt need to be secured from her own husband. Ron's eyes furrowed at the way his mistress looked pleadingly. Before he could ask what was wrong she turned back to the plane. Getting a hold of herself she practiced deep breathing, walking up the stairs as slowly as she could.
As soon as she entered she was ushered inside by polite airhostesses that were instructed to direct her. Her heart drummed wildly inside her chest as the pretty blonde woman guided her to the private cabinet.
One of the smiling tall airhostess opened the door and waited for Tara to enter inside. As soon as she kept her first step  she felt the drastic change of aura. Thick air became thicker as his eyes slowly rose from his device to her eyes. He watched with eagle's gaze as she entered the room. Closing his tabloid with a click, he pushed it in the seat beside him, converging his attention on the woman that made her home in his mind.
A single beam of Sunray entered from the open window, falling straight into her eyes. The black colour of her orbs assumed brownness. He wondered how he didn't notice the nuances of her eyes before.
"The flight would take off in thirty minutes. Hope you enjoy your journey" airhostess said her well memorized sentences in a practiced tone before closing the door behind her. He didn't even acknowledge her. He never did. Instead he watched the possession he had acquired so recently. She looked away from his stare, unable to keep up with his sharp eyes that shamelessly moved up and down on her. Not knowing what else to do, she stood awkwardly, looking at the floor, fidgeting with her fingers. After his staring needs were satiated he finally decided to break the silence.
"Come here"
Anything but that
He'd have heard her screaming if she had dared opening her mouth. Her mind didn't seem in a mood to defy him. With each step to him, spikes on her skin rose at her ghastly imagination, of all the things he could do if he wished.
Before she even reached a hand's distance with him, his hand quickly reached out for the hem of her sundress, roughly pulling it closer. She stumbled down at the force, falling straight on his body. Before she could process the unforeseen events, he picked her by waist, adjusting her on his lap. Her both legs hanged on one side of his lap as he held her close to his chest. Her ears instantly felt hot, ready to lose their function. Her guts forced her to look anywhere but his face, she watched the buttons of his white shirt with utmost interest, distracting herself from anything else that happened around her. Her ragged breathe played games with baby hairs that stucked on her lips.
His hand snaked around her neck, forcing her to look up at him. There lips were at an inches distance, ready to touch if he decided to lean.
"How are you?" His breathe whispered through her silky hair, reddening her ears even more.
Her throat was suddenly dry. Seeing him up from close wasn't exactly her dream however he watched her intensely, noticing the twitch of her eyebrows and the movement of her pupils.
His seductive petting of her exposed thighs reflected in the rise of her heartbeat. Her hand instinctively went to hold his hand as it moved way up her dress to the edge of her panty.
He let her. He liked her gentle hold on his hand as he touched her.
"Fine" she spoke with a swollen throat.
"How is my pussy?" He asked next. She looked at him as if he had asked her for her kidney. Smiling at her beautiful face, he yet again guided his hand right on top her pussy through the fabric, pressing where it hurt. She gasped as her sourness inflamed with rough handling.
"How is it?" He asked again, now with a hint of amusement.
"It''s..please..." she begged with her eyes trying to pull his hand off her. He didn't budge at her struggles to pull away.
"Kiss me" he demanded.
She didn't understand how his head worked. He already had her submission but it looked like he wanted more. He wanted to fuck her senseless but not before playing her brain. Without much thinking she moved forward resting her lips on his. His hand left her pussy to hold her waist, pulling her closer. He relaxed at her embrace. Pulling her impossibly closer he kissed back, entering her mouth with all his passion. Everything about his stressful business sat back in his mind and faded like a sun behind the rainy clouds. His eyes closed to savour the moment, to remember the feeling of her on him. He listened to the noise that formed when their lips slurped into each other, to the sound inside her mouth as he licked it, to the noise of the fabric between them as she hesitated at their position and moved slightly. He memorized it, like an important file that was not to be lost, his nerves lived it to their limit. When he let her break the kiss she was out of air, breathing heavily from her mouth, gulping as much air that she could, still not looking in his eyes.
He hadn't forgotten that he had went too far on her that night, that she was really hurt in between her legs.
"How is my pussy?" He asked for the third time. She looked at him through her lashes still struggling with her ragged breathing. For some reason she thought he wanted a genuine answer.
" hurts" she stuttered, still not sure whether that was the answer he would accept as valid.
"Hmm" His hand petted through her hair, untangling few strands that were disturbed.
"It'll get better" he promised.
She wanted to scoff at him. From up this close she could practically slap him. She fisted her palm to stop herself from doing it.
A click was heard. Before she looked up to the source of sound, she watched with dread as Dominic entered the cabin as if he owned the place before halting at the scene before him. She immediately tried to get up from donavan's lap before he pressed her waist back on him, stopping her from moving away. Dominic watched the intimate moment between the couple unfold, not at all pleased with it. It really looked like don had found the girl likeable. He had never seen the don with a girl on his lap.
this girl's special.
As a protocol to the respect for the don and his elder brother, he mumbled sorry before turning around to leave the room.
"Next time, knock before you enter" Donavan ordered. Not that he was bothered for anyone seeing him doing anything with his wife, but he knew how Dominic was a danger, to both him and Tara. He was the last person he wanted to go easy with.
"Yes don" Dominic greeted through his teeth, controlling his temper before leaving the room.
Only when the pilot made the announcement of take off,  was Tara allowed in her own seat in front of him.
She sat looking out the window not knowing where her destiny wanted to take her now.
Authors note: hi

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