Bruno's first words

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     Pedro was smiling as he watched his kids play in the grassy field. It was away from the town, a spot where the family could do whatever they wanted, running wild and free.
     In a few days, the triplets would soon be 4. Bruno still hadn't said any actual words yet, just some indicative noises every now and then.
     Pedro was snapped out of his thoughts when his only son came running with a pink flower in his hand. He had a huge smile on his face, like he was getting ready to show his father something that was sure to make him proud.
      Pedro smiled encouragingly back at him when he tripped and got back up again. When he finally got there, he took his flower and presented it to his father like it was a prize he had won. He pointed at his father's pink shirt, that was close in color to the flower.
      "You're matching," he whispered.
     Pedro's eyes went wide, and he looked at his son with a prideful smile making a way to his lips. "What did you say, hombrecito?"
      "The flower. It matches your shirt." Pedro hugged his son. He was so proud that it was an almost unexplainable feeling.
      "I'm so proud of you, you know that? Your Mami would be proud too, so proud!" The smile on Bruno's face widened as well, Pedro was sure it was hurting his cheeks.
     "Can you come..." he kept his mouth open like he wanted to say more but couldn't. Pedro's expression faltered, only for a second, unnoticeable to his son.
     "Yeah, I can come! Lead the was hijo!" Bruno pulled his dad forward running as fast as he could to his siblings while pulling something thrice his size.
     Pedro chuckled to himself. He was so happy to see his son having so much fun.
       It was a great feeling, knowing that everything was working out. These years without Alma had been the hardest of his life, but every little milestone, every tiny step that his kids had made had made them all worth while. And he was happy, and so were they.
      Little did he know in just a little over a year, the lives of him and his kids would change forever, all because of the miracle that had been given to his family that cold night, all those years ago.
      Pedro played with his kids until sunset, and after setting them down to bed, he said good night to Alma. The candle was burning brighter than ever because of the love the house was filled with. It would continue to flourish as the years went by and later when the family started to grow.
     Pedro went to bed, dreaming of the day when he would get to see his beautiful wife again, and Pepa, Bruno, and Julieta slept as peacefully as a River stream, flowing evenly toward the ocean.

Without You: A Story about Pedro Madrigal's LifeWhere stories live. Discover now