The Annoying Questions

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     The triplets were now four, and every waking moment was spent asking questions to Pedro. 'What are you doing? Why are you doing this? Can we do this? When are we going to do this? When? Why? What? How? Who? Daddy? Can you tell us, please?' 

     Pedro was thoroughly exhausted. Don't get me wrong, he would never get tired of his kids, but he was tired. Tired enough to want to hide from his kids whenever he could. Tired enough to not answer questions. Tired enough to forget to do simple things that should have been done already. Even with Casita helping, Julieta, Pepa, and Bruno didn't ask it questions. They weren't following Casita around all day long for some answers.

      It wasn't that Pedro was dreading spending time with his kids, but he was basically dreading spending time with his kids. He just needed some alone time to himself. He thought he had gotten through the hard part after Bruno started talking, but this, this was much worse. He regretted all the times his heart would ache when Bruno wouldn't speak a word.

     Because let's be honest folks, no one's perfect, not even Pedro, and he, like every other human needs alone time too. Alone time that he was never gonna get, not now, not ever, until he was old and gray and perhaps a Grandfather.

     However, it was moments like when Pepa would light up when Pedro did something funny, when Julieta would smile brightly up at him when he taught her how to cook, when Bruno would giggle and snort at the bedtime stories Pedro told him that made all the annoying questions all worthwhile.

     Pedro was the happiest dad in the world, and everyone in the town knew it while secretly envying him. The Madrigal family was as happy and healthy as ever, and Pedro was really happy.

(Hey, guys! If y'all want updates more frequently, I can do this sort of thing and have short chapters, or I can make longer chapters with more of a wait. I will literally take the first person's comment to make my decision).

Without You: A Story about Pedro Madrigal's LifeWhere stories live. Discover now