The Day Before

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The triplets woke up the day before their 5th birthday to find 3 doors in the middle of the hallway, side by side. But whenever one of them tried to touch one, the Casita guided them away from the door, leaving them laughing as they were gently pushed away.

Pedro was nothing but confused when he saw these three doors. Why not have them more spread out? They were all right next to each other. He was however looking forwards to having more bedrooms.

Julieta, Pepa, and Bruno were growing at a crazy speed, and they needed more space than just the nursery. Pedro had thought it was odd that such a big house only had two bedrooms, but he wouldn't dare complain. This house had given him so much, it was something that he could never repay, even if he tried.

"Daddy, daddy..... look, it's a slide," a giggling Pepa said as the stairs transformed.

She couldn't even get up the stairs. Were they just expected to wait downstairs until Casita saw it fit for them to be upstairs? This was madness, but any grievances Pedro may have had could wait. If the casita was granting his family three new bedrooms, he should be grateful.

He decided to take the kids out for a walk. Maybe buy a cake while he was at it. It was almost their birthday after all. They had been talking about it for weeks without end. Julieta wanted to learn how to cook from Pedro himself. Pepa wanted a pair of pants because she saw it as unfair that Bruno could wear them when she had to wear a stupid, itchy dress. That had then led to Bruno wanting a dress, so Pedro had spent time gathering fabric and silk to see what he could do.

If Pedro was being honest, he was no fashion designer, but if this was what his kids really wanted then he would work all night to give them what they asked for.

Pedro already had some recipes to teach to Julieta, so that wasn't really a concern of his. He remembered cooking these exact recipes with Alma. His beautiful flower was amazing at cooking. He tried his best.

And as night approached and the triplets were tucked into their beds, he allowed himself to think about how proud Alma would be of him and their children; Reminiscing on something that could have been.

(Sorry for not updating for so long!!!)

Without You: A Story about Pedro Madrigal's LifeWhere stories live. Discover now