part 3

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you alone can make any situation better for me. No matter what I'm stressing over you always help me through it. I feel safe knowing that you love and care for me, I just wish you saw what I saw. You are so amazing and a blessing to me. Honestly, there are few people that are as loving and giving as you are. you're great. 


*a couple of weeks back*

Draco was at home, reading a book when he could hear shouting from his dining room. He crept out of his room, being careful to not disturb whoever was talking. His forearm burned as he caught a glimpse of You-know-who.

"The Florence family are a great danger to us, Lucius" Voldemort was talking to Draco's parents.

"You mean the parents of Eleanor Florence?" Narcissa asked.

Draco's heart throbbed, but he wouldn't let them hurt her.

"The girl is innocent, it's more the parents we have to be worried about. But to be safe, we will get someone to kill Miss Eleanor Florence." Draco began to hurt, his body ached to hear that. He wouldn't let him get away with this. His love, his home, his world. 


"I see you're wearing the necklace, my darling. The note was meant to say merry early Christmas. But since we're not spending Christmas together, I had to give it to you now."

"Yes. Thank you, Draco, but I think we ought to get going now. We will be late to class otherwise my love." Eleanor suggested.

"Yeah, of course. I'm just going to go use the bathroom and then I'll be right there. Don't wait up on me, love." so she didn't, she went straight to class.

She wondered why he wouldn't walk with her, or even let her wait for him. 

After a long 15 minutes of waiting for him, he walked into the room with teary eyes and was sweating on every part of his face. 

"Are you okay? She whispered as he walked past to sit down. 

"Im fine, I promise. Don't worry about me," he spoke softly.

Although he said not to, she did worry about him. why he was in the bathroom for 15 minutes?


After class, Eleanor followed Draco without him knowing.  But she hid so he couldn't see her. They ended up at his dorm. She heard crying so she knocked on the door.

"Draco, baby? Are you alright in there?" no reply. 

"My love please answer me." no reply.

She got fed up so she opened up the door to find Draco laid on his bed, crying. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Im here" she took him in her arms and let him cry, "whats up?" she comforted him.

"I can't tell you," he wept "Yes, yes you can, Draco." She tried wiping his face.

"Get off me." he snarled.

"Oh." she stopped."If that's what you want." "Draco can you just tell me? I'm really worried."

"No," He sat up in frustration. "How many times do I have to tell you?" he raised his voice. Eleanor got worried and frightened.

"Draco, I'm really worried about you. Please tell me what's wrong with you." she held his hand.

"Oh my God! Do you ever shut up? Seriously, I love you but you don't do what you're told." He was shouting. 

She started crying.

"Oh, baby, please. Don't cry." She pushed his hand away. 

"No, we're over Draco." she stormed out, crying and looking for Pansy. Draco slammed his face into his pillow instantly, he had just lost the love of his life. Eleanor found Pansy and told her everything.

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