Another Coffee Mage..?

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Soon, screams erupted from the kingdom. Many cookies ran out of their houses or personal area's.

"Everyone calm down!" Gingerbrave yelled, "it's just a power outage, nothing to worry about!"

"Wha-.. what's happening?!" Onion Cookie hugged her plush with huge teardrops running down her face.

Soon a purple glow came into her view, "don't cry, can you see now?"

It was Blackberry Cookie with a candle in her hand!

Onion Cookie quickly scurried over to Blackberry while sniffling.

Patting her head with a small smile, Blackberry and Onion walked to the castle where Gingerbave was.

Soon about every Cookie was at the castle with Gingerbave standing on the stairs.

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Gingerbrave quickly reassured them, "it's just a power outage!"

Wizard Cookie nodded, "the power will be back up tomorrow, please head back to your homes safely, and sleep well."

The crowd sighed in relief as they slowly dispersed in different directions, the few cookies that stayed were Black Raisin and Avocado Cookie.

Gingerbrave looked at the two and sighed, from the side of his eyes he caught a person leaning against a pillar with their head lowered. They were adorn mostly in all black.

Gingerbrave steadily walked down the stairs and carefully walked towards them, "you should head back to your home, the power won't be on for some time.."

The Cookie raised their head.

"Eh? Espresso!"

Gingerbrave eyes widen slightly.

"What are you doing out here?" Gingerbrave laughed merrily.

Espresso sighed, he rubbed his temples. "You require my expertise.."

Espresso dare not say it out loud that it was that the power had gone out because he was reckless in watching how much energy was being consumed.

"W-we do?" Strawberry Cookie asked as she fiddled with her sweater strings.


Espresso rolled up he sleeves, "show me the way to the generator"

Gingerbrave nodded, he turned around and started walking.

"Hey, wait!" a crisp voice yelled.

"You! Why are you still here?" Black Raisin narrowed her eyes at Strawberry Crepe who was running.

Strawberry Crepe didn't even glance at Black Raisin as they ran toward Espresso and Gingerbrave.

"You.. you, let me help!"

Espresso raised an eyebrow at this Cookie.

Gingerbrave narrowed his eyes, "why? So you can distract us while the dark cookies attack the kingdom?"

Strawberry crepe eyes widened with a snort. "Even if I wasn't here to distract you they could still sneak in here!"

Gingerbrave looked wronged. "Why are you still here, who let you in?"

Strawberry Crepe: "none of your business, hmph"

Espresso watched all three of them stare each other down.

How intriguing. He thought

"I'll stay behind and watch over the kingdom" Black raisen suddenly said, she quickly galred at Strawberry crepe before she quickly hurried away.

(Stopped - explanation on last chapter) A Story Of Two   Madeleine x EspressoWhere stories live. Discover now