Chapter 1:

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I sighed and sat down in the back of the auditorium, next to my best friend Margo. People filed past us and I stared at my hands, completely dreading what would happen next.

"I cannot wait to find out what part I got! I really hope that I got Penelope. She is my favorite character!" Margo excaimed, nervously tapping her foot, making her knee bounce. It looked like a small jack hammer drilling at the ground and I smiled at her. Margo was a total drama geek. She was out going and crazy and sang all the time, making her the perfect stereotype. She was a skinny brunette with brown eyes and too much energy. Sometimes I don't understand why we get along, me being quite the opposite in personality, but we were best friends.

"I know." I stated. She smiled and her leg continued to bounce.

"What part do you want to get?" She asked me, trying to remain calm. I shrugged at her.

"I don't really care." I told her. Margo had dragged me into auditioning for the school musical this winter and I basically failed my audition. I was super awkward and bright red the entire time. I was sure to get an awful part. Not that I minded really. 

"Attention, everyone! Attention!" Our director, Ms. Renoi, or who we call Wah, shouted, waving her arms around, trying to gain the 30-some kids attentions. "I have you all here today because Mr. Recardo and I have discussed where you will all be cast." Margo tensed beside me. I smiled to myself and turned my attention back to Wah. "Now, if you file up silently-" She didn't finish. The sentence was droned out by the sound of feet moving towards the front of the room, towards the piano where the list was. I smirked, seeing that Margo was somehow already in the front of the room. I stood up and walked slowly to the front of the auditorium, feeling awkward.

"Sorry." Someone mumbled as they pushed past me. I smiled at the boy to show it was fine, but he ignored me. I sighed and waited for the crowd to die down. Margo suddenly squeezed between the people and came up to me with a smile.

"I got Jeanie!" She squealed. I smiled at her widely and hugged her.

"Congratulations!" I told her. We were doing a musical Wah had written and Jeanie was one of the main characters. During auditions, we had read through the script and I figured out, mostly, who was who. Jeanie was an important character to the plot and absolutely hysterical. Margo would be great. The musical was called Time After Time and it was about a group of girls from a small town in Arizona who went on a trip for three months over the summer to New York City before college. I know, it sounds clishe, but it was actually pretty good. It flip flops around all 6 of the girls stories 

"Now go find who you are, silly!" Margo said, pushing me towards the piano where the list sat waiting. The people had mostly dispersed and I came up next to a couple of people I didn't know and looked at the list. I scanned for my name and read it.

Ivy Wrennen as Camilla Park

I smiled to myself and walked back over to Margo.

"I'm Camilla." I told her. She squealed and hugged me. 

"Congrats! You are gonna be so perfect playing her!" Margo told me. And, in a way, she was right. Camilla was this the shy girl out of the 6 girls from Arizona. She gets a job at a radio station and meets a boy named Ian, a summer romance blooming between them. That makes me think... who was Ian? I didn't really care too much and, unfortunately, Camilla's part of the story was one I didn't pay as much attention to. 

"Thanks." I told Margo as I sat down beside her in the back of the auditorium again. Just then, Wah started talking.

"Okay we are starting with learning the music today. We are starting with Act 1, scene 5 because it is the toughest number. After that, we will see where to go next. Everyone gather around the piano please!"

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