Chapter 8:

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"I'm going to kill myself." I said, slamming my english book down on the desk in front of Carin.

"Aw, sweetheart, don't do that. I don't want to go to your funeral." Carin said, leaning across his desk behind me to message my shoulders. I sighed.

"Yeah, sweetcheeks. What's wrong?" JJ asked me, leaning foreward and grabbing my hand in his.

"Wah. That's what's wrong. Why did she cast me as Camilla and Niall as Ian?" I asked them. "I mean, really? Ugh, I'm so done." I told them. A couple of weeks ago I had told Carin and JJ that I had a crush on Niall because they caught me staring at him in english for a solid 10 minutes. I then told Margo because I wouldn't stop texting him while I was over at her house. 

"What else did she do?" Carin asked me, obviously knowing there was more to the story. 

"We have to kiss." I mumbled. Carin gasped and JJ squeezed my hand.

"Oh, my gosh, honey, that is just great! Why are you so sad?" JJ asked me. I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"Because! Niall won't want to kiss me and I've never kissed anyone before and I am scared shitless." I told them. 

"Oo, she's mad. She never swears." Carin said to JJ who nodded.

"Well, Ivy, if you need to practice kissing, I'm here for you, but it won't be all that pleasant for me." JJ told me, completely serious. Carin was glaring at him, but he didn't notice. I chuckled.

"Thanks JJ, but I don't think it'll help. Plus, someone else has got his eye on you." I said, not giving away who, though Carin blushed a little. JJ raised an eyebrow, but I ignored him, putting my face on Carin's desk. "Can I just die?!" I screamed into it.

"Nah, don't do that." I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw Niall sitting in the seat next to me in front of JJ. 

"When did you get here?" I asked him, afraid he had heard our conversation. 

"Just now. Why do you want to die?" He asked. I shook my head.

"See, I don't really want to die, I just sorta do." Before Niall could respond, Mr. Fitz walked into the room and he faced foreward. I was still facing Niall and JJ and saw JJ widen his eyes and nod his head towards Niall mouthing 'Tell him!'. 

'No!' I screamed back useing my lips and no sound, looking at him like he was crazy.

'Tell him!' he said again. I shook my head.

'No!' I said, glancing at Niall who looked over at me. I blushed and he turned around to see JJ giving me a weird look before JJ turned to Niall and smiled, as if nothing was happening. Niall looked at me again, confused and I just smiled. He turned back to the front and JJ gave me the 'This is not over' look. I groaned quietly and put my head in my arms on my desk.

After english, I said goodbye to Carin, JJ, and Niall. Sadly, Liam was home sick and wouldn't be back until tomorrow. I walked off to art and was about to walk in the room when I heard a squeal.

"IVY!" I turned to see Margo, charging down the hall towards me. I stepped away from the door just as she tackled me into a hug. "Guess who asked me out in Chem today!" She said, a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Who?" I asked playing dumb. I knew it was Zayn. He had told me he was going to yesterday during lunch while Margo was in the bathroom.

"Zayn!" She squealed and hugged me again. I smiled widely at her.

"Aw, I'm so happy for you!" I told her, hugging her back.

"I am so happy! I mean, I really started to like him recently and he's so sweet and then he told me he had a crush on me and asked me out! I can't believe it happened!" She told me as she pulled away. I chuckled and walked into the classroom, Margo following my lead.

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