Chapter 4:

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The door creaked open and almost immediately I heard commotion.

"Ivy?" I heard someone say. Then my brother stepped out of the kitchen and when he saw me he smiled. "Vy!" He said as he walked up and wrapped me in a hug. 

"Hey, Jar." I said, as he kissed my forehead. 

"How's my baby sister?" He asked me. I didn't respond before he saw Niall. "Hey, Nialler!" My brother said letting go of me and giving Niall a man hug. "How's it going, man?" 

"It's going good. How's it been? Haven't seen you in years." Niall said, a smile plastered on his face.

"It's been too long." Jared said with a smile. He turned to me. "You're friends with this kid, Vy?" He asked me. I nodded at my brother and smiled a bit. Jared threw his head back and laughed.

"Jar, what's going on?" I heard my sister scream. She stepped out of the kitchen and saw me. "VY!" She squealed as she ran up to me and tackled me into a hug. "I missed you, baby girl!" She said as she rocked me back and forth.

"Ok, ok, Lil." I said. I glanced at Niall and Jared who were laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and hugged my sister back. She let me go and that's when she noticed Niall.

"Oh, is this your boyfriend?" She asked me, pointing to Niall. I blushed and shook my head viciously.

"Uh, no. He's in the school musical with me. We're just friends." I explained to my oh-so-awkward sister. She gaped at me.

"You're doing the musical?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm so proud of you! You won't be no-balls Vy anymore!" My sister said, grabbing me into another hug. I blushed as Jared and Niall started laughing. 

"Lilly." I whined. She stepped back and saw Niall again.

"Whoops. Well, dinner is almost ready, so come in soon!" She turned to Niall. "You are welcome to stay if you'd like? We have plently of food." Lilly said with a smile. I gaped at her. It's not that I wouldn't love for him to stay, but my family is crazy! He would never talk to me again if he had to spend time with them all. And I quite like having more than 2 friends.

"Oh, no I don't want to intrude." Niall told her. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Nah, man. You aren't intruding." Jared said, grabbing Niall's shoulder. I gaped again. Please, please no.

"You sure?" I'm screwed.

"Of course! Feel free to stay, sweetheart." Lilly said as she walked back into the kitchen. I face palmed, but no one saw.

"Great. That's incredibly nice of you all." Niall said as he followed my brother into the kitchen. I followed the two of them into the kitchen, my hands shoved in my back pockets. It was all I could do to stop myself from slapping my siblings. I entered the kitchen and saw my mom and sister talking as my dad took out what looked like a caserole from the oven.

"Mom, dad, this is Niall. He's Ivy's friend and he's also Greg Horan's younger brother." Jared explained to my parents. Lilly gasped.

"I didn't know you were related to Greg!" We all ignored her.

"It's very nice to meet you, Niall. I'm Jenette." My mom said, extending her hand. He shook it.

"Pleasure to meet you." He said politely as my dad followed my mothers lead.

"Phil." My dad said simply. Niall nodded and smiled. He looked pretty at ease for meeting my family.

"We invited him to stay for dinner!" Lilly informed my parents. I stood awkwardly by the counter and Niall glanced at me with a smile. I smiled back before looking at my dad.

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