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Jinx had dinner with us this night. None of us prepared for her to stay over, and neither has she, but Jinx made herself comfortable in her Star Guardian room. There's was no meaning to change it. Once a Star Guardian, always a Star Guardian. 

Dinner was filled with smiles and laughs, as Jinx told some funny stories about her life in Zaun. Even Janna was letting out slight laughs or smiles. Every time I would smile and snicker at Jinx's stories, it just felt wrong. 

The way the storm got worse outside. Trees would hit against the windows, and rain came down harder every time I let out a smile. Lulu's room would make this whistling sound from her radiator for heat in her room every time I snickered. 

Before I knew it, tonight is the first night sleeping without Lulu. My room is right next to hers, and Poppy's is across. Jinx's room is across from mine, and Janna's room is all the way down by the only room with a window. 

I can't sleep, I won't. It's not because of Jinx snoring loudly, legs and arms all over her face and headboard, No, it's not because of Poppy who's sleep talking about how strong with her hammer she is. 

Is the stomach sinking feeling that I can't let go of Lulu? 

I'm praying to the Stars that no one is just forgetting what happened last night. 

And I know for a fact, I'm not. Lulu can't possibly be dead.

I turn to my side in my bed and rub my eyes. 

They would have a least left a body. Her body, to be exact. Blood. Just thinking about what I'm saying makes me shiver. There's no way that happened to her. There's no way she died. 

They left Pix. Her best pal. Wh- 


I sit up out of my bed. 


I glance over to my large nightstand. The green, Pix- Friendly cage is placed there, with sleeping Pix inside. She could be the key to finding Lulu.

Before I can even process what I'm doing, I switch into my Star Guardian outfit, grab a map of Piltover and Zaun, (Which happens to be extremely large,) And grab my staff. I wrap a brown satchel bag over my shoulders and chest, shoving the map inside, and some snacks for Pix. 

Speaking of Pix, I wake her up in her cage by scratching her head gently, earning a happy jitter and a lick on my pointer finger. 

I look around, before cupping Pix in my hands and bringing her up to my eyesight. 

''We're going to find Lulu, okay? And since you have always been her best pal, you are going to help me find her, okay?'' 

I grab Lulu's wand placed by my door and shrink it into a small size. I hold it up to Pix's nose, watching her sniff it, and her eyes shine a light color of green after a small second of sniffing Lulu's staff. 

I smile as Pix flies off of my hands, and signals for me to follow her. 

I grip onto my staff tight and follow after Pix. 

I walk past Poppy's room, the last room before Pix and I leave. 

She'll hold the team together. I know it. 

With that one last reassuring look I give to her closed room door, I follow after Pix, out the front door, and into the starry night sky. 

Star Guardians (a lux and jinx fan fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now