CHAPTER 17- I know you want me, come on and haunt me.

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I gasp. A beam shoots the tree in front of me, collapsing wildly, and lands right above Poppy. I flinch and step back. Gotta get out of here, Gotta get out of here!

''Oooh. Look what we got here.''

A smooth surface brushes up against my chin. A hiss from a voice tingles the hairs on my neck, freezing my legs and clenching my fists.

''Sssh. I won't hurt you.''

The voice hisses. Whoever said such words, appears in front of me with a finger over her plump and soft lips. ''Neeko?'' She climbs down from the tree. ''Quiet. She can hear you. Get to her source. Get to her mind.''

''Where's Janna, and Poppy? And Lu-''

''Get to her source! Get to her! They're trapped, Jinx! Free them! Free us all!''

I shake my head. ''NO- I!''



''Lux? (Lux, Lux, Lux, Lux, Lux?)''

''Jinx! Help me! Help me!''

I look around. Why is everything so...White?

I look in the center of the blankness.

There she is. Lux. Staring at me. Eyes shaking, wand dropped. Hands shaking.

Tears fill my eyes at the sight. I can see her heart beating through her chest, breathing not visible.

''Lux...I-'' My voice breaks. ''I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I did this to you, I- I broke you, I ruined you- I'm just so sorry. For all of this. You don't deserve it. You don't deserve it at all..''
I take a step toward her. Then two more, then three, but stop as she raises up her head with tears flowing down her eyes and her cheeks.

''Why....Why couldn't you understand that I love you?''

She wipes the tears from her eyes. Her lips quiver, legs shaking as she turns away and sobs.

''Why couldn't you understand that I needed you to stay...I NEEDED YOU!'' She cries.
The ground shakes. She falls down to her knees, burying her head in her hands.

''Y- You wouldn't stay...I showed you how much I cared! I wanted to tell you, that I loved you, but you just pushed me away.''
Another shake.

''I'm never going to be good enough for you. For anyone.''

She sobs. That's the only thing that can be heard. Her voice broke down, low cries breaking the silence. The sound of her tears dropping onto the pearl floor makes me shudder.

I run over to her and bend down, cupping her head in my hands. Her eyes are puffy, her cheeks bruised and red. Her mouth quivers, pearl white teeth showing as tears run down her cheeks.

I shake my head. ''No, No, No, No, Don't cry. Don't cry. It's okay.''
I look into her blue eyes and stare deep into her pupils. I shouldn't be crying; this isn't even about me and I shouldn't just be watching as she cries into my hands. I bring her head up to mine and kiss her glossed lips. She kisses back; slow and gentle, and pulls away with a sniffle.
I bring her head to my chest. She wraps her arms around my waist, cries dying down as I lean my head on hers and close my eyes.

The ground begins to shake. Pieces of the pearl white break down. I just hold her tighter and wipe a tear strolling down my cheeks.

''It's okay. It's going to be okay.''

Star Guardians (a lux and jinx fan fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now