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lux's perspective


"Can you guys like- get up!? We have school in 10!" I hurry up to everyone's rooms and bang on their closed doors for the exactly tenth time this morning. The only one awake is Lulu, sitting at the table with Pix jittering in her cupped hands. Her little legs swing back and forth, dangling off her chair, her backpack slipping down her shoulders. Her green hair is frizzy and only a bit combed on the sides; doesn't look like she got a lot of sleep, again.

I fidget with my hands and scuttle towards her, tapping her shoulder. She raises her head up, tilting her head. "Lulu," I say, scratching Pix's head. He coos and jitters, nuzzling into my touch.
"Was everyone up late last night? Because clearly we're going to be late for school. Again. And I would rather not leave without them." I ask, smiling at Pix. Lulu gives back a little shrug.

"I went to sleep as the same time as you"-

"Hey, Luxie. My alarm clock you set for me was like 20 minutes late. I broke it by the way." Lulu was cut off by a tired and loud voice interjecting her sentence; dropping their backpack by Lulu's feet.
Jinx plants a kiss on my cheek, fixing her black tights under her pair of ripped denim shorts. She's wearing a black crop-top that cuts right before her belly button, and I can tell already she's going to get dress coded as soon as she walks into school.
Despite her kiss, a flush runs over my cheek. The mixed feeling of flustered and anxiety runs through my veins, in fear of missing first period. I can't help but stand there and watch as Jinx drags herself over to the fridge, and swing it open.

After- You know, everything that's happened, Jinx decided to move back in with Lulu, Poppy, Janna and I. I was hesitant at first, hoping she would still like her room. Luckily I didn't have to worry; she seemed to enjoy it just the way it was, in no sign of being homesick. It was what I missed. Her, I missed. It feels a piece of me came back, and the longing of having Jinx with me again has been fulfilled. This is was I always wanted it to be like again, us together. The Star Guardians.
The pillow fights, Pizza night Friday, Karaoke on the late night weekends. Screaming happy birthday and ruffling little Lulu's head as a fun way to tease her, and taco night Tuesdays. Trying on each other's uniforms and squeezing into the bathroom, every one trying to get ready for school at the same time. I've longed for those moments to happen again, and that one person in the room I always looked at with red cheeks, Jinx.

Janna calmly walked into the kitchen, blocking my sight of staring at Jinx leaned against the fridge and shoving a cold burrito in her mouth. I didn't notice I was blushing until Jinx glanced at me, and smirked.
Janna was always careful with her appearance; her purple hair in a high bun, her lips glossed, and a simple outfit following the guidelines of appropriate clothing in school. Considering she was smarter, much mature and higher class than the rest of us, I was surprised to see she had gotten up so late. Poppy had walked out with her, backpack dragging from her hands. "Great!" I say, flashing them both a smile.

"We can leave now! And good morning by the way."
Poppy let out an annoyed groan. She looked way tired then all of us, and I could tell she was falling asleep leaning on Janna's leg.
"I didn't even...eat...yet." Poppy twitched open her eye, expressing a look of 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑜 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙.
"You can eat my lunch," I tilt my head. Hopefully she accepts the 'exchange' , since I know Poppy just loves lettuce honey sandwiches. I was going to spilt lunch with Jinx anyway. Poppy lazily shook her head.

"Okay, then! I'll drive," I say, striding over to the fridge. Jinx no longer is leaning there, instead flicking Lulu's head. Lulu giggles while I feel my hand around the top of the fridge, toes aching already from standing on the tips of them.

I hear Janna sigh. "We're going out to the car. We'll meet you out there." And I nod immediately in a quick reply, too tired to speak back while straining to reach the car keys. I hear a small yawn and shuffling across the kitchen, and the front door opening and gently closing.

And no, I don't want to ask for help. Everyone seems tired this morning, and forcing them to find some small keys shuffling around on the top of the fridge seems stupid.

Finally, the tips of my fingers touch an immediate cold feeling. Something jingles as I feel the shape, and smile. "Finally." Gripping the key, I slide it off the top of the fridge and lands right in the palm of my hand.
Reaching for my backpack, I slide it over my shoulders, and snatch my phone off the counter with my free hand. When glancing at back at the fridge, I side-eye a thin white piece of paper on the floorboard beside it. It's one of Lulu's drawings, I can tell, from the heavy colors of marker and crayons and paint splattered across the paper. I must have knocked it over while grabbing the keys off the top of the fridge, but it does feel like an odd place for one of Lulu's treasured art to be on top of a fridge; knowing all of her art work was pinned in her room and the fridge.

I reach down and pick up the paper, flipping it over to see the actual drawing. I expected to see a rainbow with the star guardian team posing as stick figures in front of it, knowing it's what Lulu draws most of the time.
Instead it was something else.
It was a combination of red, black and dark grey mixed in one, covering the whole paper. Right in the middle of the page, very detailed and designed, was Janna, Jinx, Lulu, Poppy and I laying on what looked like a surface of red. Lulu has used crayon to make it look like blood was on our uniforms, and red paint to make cuts on our faces. When directing my eyes to the center of the drawing, a tall, monster like thing with 5 legs rose above the drawing of our dead bodies. It was colored black and red, with red eyes and purple paint coloring it's legs.

I stared at the drawing for a long time. I knew it was drawn by Lulu. But I don't know when. I've never seen her draw anything like this, and I'm afraid she has more like this. But worse.

I crumble up the paper and throw it in the garbage. Holding tighter onto the car keys, I take one last look at the crumbled drawing and run out the front door.

authors note
tbh this definitely isn't my best work :)
i wasn't really invested at writing it at the time, bc I was falling out of my arcane phase😭
so I kinda just edited this a little :p

thank you for reading this terrible fan fiction!! 😭

-el < 3

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