3: Restaurant

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Jungwon got out of the airport and saw Heesung waving from a distance.

"Sweet relief?" Heesung joked and laughed. Jungwon chuckled along. "I didn't take that long. I just got into a minor incident earlier no biggie." He stated before looking at the vehicle beside Heesung.

"So that's your car?" Jungwon stared in awe. The car had a very fun but modern theme to it, it was the first time Jungwon has seen something like this. "Nope, it's mine!"

A cheery voice exclaimed from behind, startling Jungwon. "Sunoo?" Jungwon said in surprise. He didn't think that Sunoo would go and actually meet him at the airport. He thought he'd be the one to surprise him.

"Yes it's me, the one and only Kim Sunoo!" Sunoo confidently said. The three of us laughed. "So do we just go to your place?" Jungwon asked him.

"No, I was just thinking we could go to this new restaurant since Heesung hyung's relative owns it. Plus you must be hungry, aren't you?" Sunoo said as he opened the car door at the driver's seat, making the two others agree and go inside Sunoo's car, which drove off towards the main highway.


The car pulled up in front of a luxurious looking six -storey restaurant. Though it just recently opened, there were already plenty of customers inside from the ground floor to the third floor.

"Wow... This place looks so nice..." Jungwon says in awe, gawking at the building as he craned his neck to look at how tall and huge it was.

Heesung went out of the car as well, chuckling at how cute his friend was being. "Let's go inside, I'm sure my cousin is waiting for me inside. He says he's at the top floor, where the VIP's and his office are." He says as he checks his phone, leading his friends inside of the building.

The interior of this place did not disappoint. Jungwon was even more amazed at how nicely decorated this place was, making it seem modern and traditional at the same time.

"Wahh, you're cousin is something else hyung." Sunoo said as he looked around when they walked inside.

Heesung just scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. "Enough staring around guys, let's take the elevator." He dragged the two towards the elevator doors near them. When they went inside, he pressed the '5' button making them go upwards.


The doors opened, leading them into an entirely new hallway. This floor looked even more luxurious that outside or the ground floor. This didn't even have a traditional theme to it. It practically screamed rich.

There was a woman dressed in a white and red uniform with black heels and her hair in a bun. She bowed towards the three, and extended her hand towards a hallway. "Mr. Lee said he wants to meet you at the end of that hall."

The trio said their thanks to the lady, and followed her directions. As the got closer to the end, they saw a huge dark door, which got opened by two men who wore a similar outfit as the girl from earlier.

"Welcome to the VIP section." A perky male voice said, greeting Heesung, Jungwon, and Sunoo.

Heesung and the man hugged, sharing a few words together then laughing. "Ah, I see you brought your friends as well. Nice to meet you, I'm Heesung's cousin, Lee Hwan. I hope he said good things about me." Hwan chuckled, shaking hands with Jungwon and Sunoo.

"I'm Yang Jungwon, this is my friend Kim Sunoo." Jungwon said, pointing both of his hands towards Sunoo who just gave a small wave in return. Hwan 'ahh'-ed after hearing this, seeming to recognize him after then handshake.

"You must be the one who lives in Seungie's neighborhood too? I've heard great things from you. But how about we continue this conversation with some food?" Hwan suggested, piqueing the hungry trio's interest.

"Ah wait a second" Sunoo said making everyone look to him. "I gotta go to the restroom first, nature's call hehe..." He explained.

Hwan nodded. "Sure, I'll have someone guide you. Luis, can you guide this guy to the restroom? thanks."

Sunoo turned to Jungwon and grabbed his hand. "Jungwon come with me pleaseeee. *whispers* I'm not really comfortable around people I don't know, especially with me going to the comfort room."

Hearing this, Jungwon agreed and he excused himself to follow Sunoo.

Once they were there, Sunoo thanked Jungwon before entering. The younger just chuckles at his hyung and decides to wait for him while looking around. He didn't go that far, since he knows he'd be lost considering how big this place is.

He wandered around until he turned around a corner, bumping into someone for the 2nd time in the same morning.

"Dammit are you blind?! You made me drop my phone!" Jungwon heard the person curse, and he noticed the familiar tone. He looked up to see it was the same person he bumped into the airport!

He quickly stood up, grabbing his own fallen phone, tucking it in his pocket before facing the guy. The person looked at Jungwon, also seeming to recognize him.

"You again? Are you doing this on purpose to ask for a compensation or something?" The guy stared at Jungwon suspiciously, which the other found a bit rude. "No, I would never do that. And even if I did, why would I ask money from someone like you?" Jungwon spat back, being quite irritated at this man's behavior.

The man seemed annoyed himself. "You've got some nerve talking back to me. I thought you were brave enough to bump into me twice and not do anything about it. I let the first one slip, but now you've bumped into me AND talked back. You don't seem to know who I am."

"You're right, I don't."

I was about to apologize to this guy but now he's just getting on my nerves.

Jungwon left him going back to the restroom to meet with Sunoo who was already finished and was looking for the younger.

The man 'tsk'-ed and went back to his own table.

- - -
End of chapter 3

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