8: Phone

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"Yeah, but I just... want to be here for now." Jungwon breathed out and Jay just stood there. It was pretty awkward between the two and the younger decided to break the silence. "Why are you here?"

Jay pursed his lips and looked away. "You didn't come to the room for a while and I came to check up on you." He pretended to cough and Jungwon couldn't help but think about what he said. 'Was he worried about me?'

"Oh before I forget." Jay searched his pockets and took out 'his' phone. "Remember when we bumped into each other at the restaurant? You kind of picked the wrong phone." He said and waved the device he was holding.

Jungwon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and immediately grabbed his phone from the side table. Realizing the other was right, he let out an 'oh'. They had the same model of the phone and same phone case, coincidence?

They exchanged their phones and another heavy silence filled the room. "Why are you still standing there like an idiot?" Jungwon said. In fact, he was just a bit embarrassed because he took the wrong phone. Jay sighed and put his hands in his pockets. "Aren't you gomna join me to my dorm room?"

"Excuse me, it's our dorm room. Not just yours. Plus, you're making it sound weird. And why are you persuading me to 'join' you in the room if you insist it's yours in the first place?" Jungwon asked which caught Jay off guard, but he remained composed and answered the other. "You talk much." That was the only thing he said before walking away, but Jungwon wasn't having it. He grabbed his arm and Jay turned around.

"Aren't you gonna answer my question?" He said which made Jay stop for a bit. "Fine, didn't you say it was our dorm?" He smirked and Jungwon was beginning to get annoyed by him again. "Geez, just go already." He let go of his arm and closed the lamp light before covering himself with the blanket.

'Why are you so stubborn, tsk.'

Jay said in his mind, and sighed. He went near the couch, careful not to make any noise. He looked at the boy who closed his eyes so tightly with his eyebrows knitted together that even a blind person could see he was not really sleeping. So, Jay, not even knowing what crossed his mind that time, lowered his upper body and extended his arms, putting one under Jungwon's knees and the other supporting the body.

This action made Jungwon jolt awake and stared at Jay who just gave a small smile and lifted him up bridal style. "What are you doing???" Jungwon asked feeling heat rush up to his cheeks. This was pretty embarrassing for him, since someone was carrying him this way. Especially embarrassing since it was Jay.

The older continued to carry him. "Since you're not going to the room, I'll have to do it myself." He said which made Jungwon stare at him with confusion all over his face. "But why? I already told you I was fine in the living room."

"You really think I wouldn't notice? It's cold and dark out here. You'd be sick, and I don't want me and the others to catch a cold from you." Jay's words came out harsher than he intended and it made Jungwon's heart crack a bit. But he just shook it away and the two just continued on in silence until they reached the bedroom. Jungwon gently pushed the older away and came down from his arms, jumping onto his bed.

Jay was slightly disheartened from this. He thought the other would at least say thank you for what he did. But he just sighed and went to his own bed, wanting to sleep away whatever just happened.

"But why? I already told you I was fine in the living room." 

Jungwon's sentence lingered in his mind. To be frank, he didn't even know the answer to that. Heck, he didn't even know why he did that in the first place. It was just a feeling that he suddenly got, to pick up the boy and bring him to their room. This made Jay stress a bit and went to his own bed, hoping to sleep his thoughts off.

- - -

End of chapter 8 (Author apologizes for the short chapter)

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