4: Transfer

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"You okay?" Heesung asked Jungwon, who snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the other speak.

"Why do ask that hyung?" The younger asked with a forced smile as he silently gritted his teeth.

"You've been gripping that cup of water for a while now and I think it might break." Sunoo said despite his mouth being full of food.

Jungwon continued his forced smile and chose to not respond to his hyungs. Truth be told, he was actually still thinking about the incident that had happened earlier. Which made him very annoyed.

Hwan drank his water and clasped his hands, facing his cousin and his cousin's friends. "So how do you like the food? I made the restaurant's star chef cook our specialties."

Sunoo turned to him with a mouthful of food, which he bit by bit swallowed so that he could speak clearly. "The food tastes great! Most def five stars." He rated and continued to stuff his face with more food.

Hwan laughed at him and thanked him before saying that they should come to his restaurant more often, now that Heesung and Jungwon were in the area.

Jungwon and Heesung said they'd surely come to visit if they can. Not much happened after that meal they had with Hwan, and finally left the restaurant. They went in Sunoo's car and drove to his house where they would stay until they move in to their own dormatories.

-The Next Day-

"Rise and shine!" Sunoo's loud cheery voiced mixed with his tapping of pots and pans.

Jungwon was the first to wake up from this and rubbed his eyes, still feeling slightly sleepy. "Why are you so loud hyung? It's like... 5 in the morning!" He said after checking his phone for the time.

"I'm waking y'all up. You do know it's your first day right?-" Before Sunoo could continue his sentence someone else joined them.

"What's with all the noise..." It was Heesung, though his eyes were half-lidded. He looked at the cause of the ruckus, eyeing him up and down. "...and why do you look like that?" He asked Sunoo, referring to the facial cream he had all over his face and his hair tied up with a small elastic band.

Sunoo just puckered his lips into a pout and swayed his head to one side, feeling a bit annoyed about the other's statement. "It's called a beauty morning routine. You wouldn't get it." He said, sashaying his way to the kitchen after saying good morning to Jungwon.

"God I hate it when Sunoo sashays after we have an argument." Heesung sighs and rolled his eyes, going to grab a towel to take a shower.

Jungwon chuckles at his friends' behaviors, also going to do what Heesung was going to do.


"Ugh I think I have food poisoning." Heesung complains as he held his stomach, crouching.

Sunoo turned around from his driver's seat and glared at his hyung. "Wow, is this how you repay me after I drive you, take you to my home and cook you food?!"

"Eyes on the road please..." Jungwon reminded the older, who just angrily pouted as he drove to the school.

The vehicle drove through a gateway with huge iron gates that had a fancy design on it. There was a path that started from the gates which split up creating more and more pathways to different parts of the campus. These paths surrounded a beautiful fountain in the middle, which had a small statue on top of it that held a pot that poured water from it and to the fountain.

These paths, which seemed more like roads, were wide enough to fit about three cars. Sunoo drove through these and to the school's parking lot.

Upon seeing the school already, it was needless to say Jungwon and Heesung were shocked. Yes, they did see pictures of the building before going here, but it was even better in person. It really was a prestigious school.

"So I know you don't know much about the school yet, don't worry I'll tell you where the principal's office is but that's all I can do since my class is about to start soon. If only someone didn't take so long in the bathroom." Jungwon knew very well the last sentence was referring to him, which he only gave a small nervous chuckle in return.

Sunoo waved goodbye and now Jungwon and Heesung were left by themselves, well with a piece of paper with directions written by their friend.

They entered the school hallways, carefully following what was written on the piece of paper to not get lost. After finally reaching the principal's office, they got their dorm room number and the list of their class schedule.

"Though our schedules and classes barely seem to clash with each other, at least we're dormmates!" Jungwon exclaimed happily to the point he was jumping up and down in excitement.

"Calm down Mr. Bunny." Heesung playfully rolled his eyes but still cooed at Jungwon's cuteness.

They just left their stuff in Sunoo's car, only getting stuff they need and putting it in their own backpacks. They'd just get it later anyway.

Once they got to their first class together, they timidly went inside, feeling a bit shy since it was their first day.

A small lady with short brown hair and glasses looked at them from the board. She walked towards them, and after a few seconds of confirmation, she led them inside.

"Class, I'd like you to welcome our new students for this semester. Would you two like to introduce yourselves?" Their teacher, Mrs. Cha said as she tilted her head towards the whole class.

Heesung nodded and went to the middle, with the other following slowly from behind. He stood in front of the students with his hands behind his back. "Hello everyone I'm Lee Heesung, I hope we all get along." He introduced himself and looked at the boy beside him, signaling him to go next.

The younger cleared his throat and went forward. "Hello my name is Yang Jungwon, I'm new here and it's nice to meet you all." He bowed and went back to Heesung's side.

Mrs. Cha lightly clapped and told them they did well. "Alright, so both of them are new transferees so I will be expecting you all to welcome them nicely to our school. Heesung, Jungwon, you both can together on the last row." The two nodded and walked to the last row of seats as everyone stared at them.

- - -
End of chapter 4

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