5: Dorms

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The last bell rang as everyone got out of their classrooms, some relieved that the day was finally over.

"It's our first day here but they already gave us a ton of homework to do..." Jungwon sighed while he carried some paperwork with his friend Heesung.

Heesung nodded and just patted the other's shoulder. "Where's Sunoo? I barely saw him the entire day, well except for lunch." He said as he adjusted his backpack.

"Sunoo hyung texted me and said he won't be joining us to our dorms because he 'has an important meeting with a friend'." Jungwon grabbed his phone, showing the text message from Sunoo that he was sorry but he has an important meeting with a friend, like Jungwon said.

Heesung just nodded and changed the topic while they walked towards a further part of the campus, where the students reside. Also known as the dormatories.

The two walked through a slightly dark hallway, leading to a place with different doors. "Dorm 7F, Dorm 7F..." Jungwon repeated as he read through the paper the principal gave. Heesung also looked around to find the right dorm. "Ah here it is" He placed his hand on the doorknob and twisted it, opening the door.

The dorm room interior looked modern and simple, looking a bit off from the prestigious and fancy look at of the entire school.  The two dragged their items into the dorm and began to look around the place.

Eventually their short tour around the place stopped and they went into two separate rooms. Jungwon immediately jumped on the first bed he saw, letting out a sigh of satisfaction when he felt the soft mattress and blankets.

'It's kind of weird that the dorm wasn't locked'

Jungwon thought but just shrugged it off as he snuggled into the pillows, feeling comfortable already enough to fall asleep. But just as he was about to close his droopy eyes, he was interrupted.

"Who the hell are you?"

Jungwon flinched, hearing the unexpected voice coming out of nowhere, making him to fall from the bed and landing with a thud. But he slowly stood up, lightly rubbing his head. "I should be asking you that, since this is my roo-" He stopped when he saw who the owner of the voice was.

'It's the guy from the restaurant!'

Oh Jungwon could recognize that disgusted face anywhere.

The boy let out a mocking chuckle. "It's you again. Tell me, are you stalking me?" He smirked, holding onto the side of the bed as he leaned closely to the other.

Jungwon scoffed, feeling the familiar annoyance he felt when he encountered the same guy from the restaurant. He grabbed a nearby cloth and was about to crumble it up to throw it at the man, the other shouted for him to stop. "Don't touch that! That's my favorite shirt!" The blonde boy said in panic, immediately getting out of his previous posture.

Jungwon was confused for a second before putting two and two together then smirked. He stood up and raised the shirt as high as he could. "You want it? Come and get it." He teased as he dangled the piece of clothing above him.

The other furrowed his eyebrows once again, slowly walking towards the teasing boy with his eyes on the shirt like a hawk. "You can't get it." Jungwon says with a mischievous grin, moving his hand that was holding the white fabric sideways when the other attempted to grab it out of his grasp.

"Give it back you stupid-" The boy said out of annoyance and frustration, now lunging towards the boy only to regret it soon when he made him and Jungwon trip, falling onto the bed with the annoyed guy on top.

Jungwon was surprised by this suddenly happening, knowing that this wasn't part of his plan. The male was on top of him, looking at his doe eyes with his own gaze. This made the young boy subconsciously blush on how they were staring at each other and how close they were. And Jungwon could swear he saw the male atop have slight redish tint on his cheeks.

Just then, the door opened, making the two men snap out of the other's gaze and back to reality. The round glasses on the guy's face earlier dropped onto Jungwon, which made him automatically bring up his hands to his nose and rub it profusely with an 'ow' as the other slowly moved away clearing his throat.

"What's going on here...?" The voice of who opened the door asked. Jungwon turned to see who it was and sat up. "Heesung hyung, I was just- uhm- just...." He averted his eyes and pursed his lips together, looking for a proper excuse that would work.

Heesung raised a brow and crossed his arms. "Just what? Were you two..." He trailed off, immediately being cut off by a flustered Jungwon. "NO!"

'No! No way in heck! I hate this guy!'

The older was suspicious but decided to brush it off anyway. He then turned to the other guy in the room who seemed was also still a bit flustered about the situation. "And you must be Jungwon's roommate?"

"ROOMMATE?!" Both said in unison.

"No! This must be a mistake, I don't think we're supposed to have roommates hyung." Jungwon said in a panic. He didn't want to be roommates with someone he considers as an enemy!

"You guys literally have two beds in this room. Plus, I found my own roommate. The eldest turned to his side, grabbing another person and dragged him in front.


The new kid looked tall next to Heesung while he waved his hand awkwardly.

Then the blonde guy spoke. "Ni-ki you didn't tell me you have the same dorm as mine." He said as he leaned back onto the wall.

The new guy, Ni-ki, just smiled and let out a nervous chuckle. "I didn't know you had the same dorm number as mine, Jay hyung."

"Well anyways, we got food outside in the kitchen, would you like some-" "Yes!" Jungwon blurted out before rushing past Heesung, wanting to get out of the embarrassing situation he was just caught at.

Jay the blonde boy just scoffed, while looking at the t-shirt he held that he snatched back from Jungwon in victory.

- - -
End of chapter 5

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