Chapter 2 The 2 friends one met one not yet

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He teleported himself to the house of his friend. Actually his friend is the Equestria girls Flutter shy.

Well they became friends the day after he's reformed. She looked a lot like the pony flutter shy but he does not feel the same when he's with the pony flutter shy.

When he arrived he saw his friend. Her friend was shocked at the first but when she realized that it's Discord .She calmed down.

Oh hi Discord ! Um I never new you were visiting now .

It's just uh... well..Since you are the same as flutter shy.

What are you talking about. There's another me ?

No time to explain just tell me what you like for food.

I'm a veterinarian so I like salad and other vegetables.

OK thanks anything else ?

Well what other anything else ?

You know some likes and dislikes .

Ok um... I don't like bad animals

I like cute bunnies like angel here.

What is your favorite color ?

Oh my favorite color is the color of a baby chicken's spring.

Ok .He said writing it on a note book.

So in short light yellow ?

Uh yes ? Equestria girls Flutter shy said

Good. Discord said with a smile.

How about fears ?

Oh I'm afraid of gulp Sc..Sca...Scar...Scare...Scary ...FORESTS !

OK . Hmm...

Ok this question is not about you but it's about this world.

What is it Discord ? Flutter shy said.

Well since there is a pony version of you...


Well yes .

How..How is that even possible ?

Look I just wanted to ask if there is anybody that has the color of me and well look like me ?

Hmm...Equestria girls Flutter shy said thinking

I...I.. Don't know actually. Uh maybe ?

Ok I'll just look for him bye !

Discord wait ! Flutter shy said. Come back next time !

I will ! Discord said with a smile.

When he's out of the house he said to himself . She looks exactly like her but she's not the pony I fell in love with.

He just wanted to see himself as a person so he walked down the streets. Some people looks at him some are scared to even to go near him.

So when he realized this he transformed to be like humans. Wait a minute !!! He said to himself .

I can easily find him I can just use my screen. I'm the lord of chaos why didn't I thought of this ugh this doesn't ... No I'm not supposed to make sense ok let's start looking... Aha !!! found it !

He's WHAT THE... He doesn't look anything like me.this doesn't make... Ugh I'm not saying that again. I'm jut going to where he lives so I would be his friend.

Hello ? He said knocking by the door that himself lives . Well the other himself. Hello ? Then somebody opened the door.

He was still in his human form . He saw the human himself .While he's in his human form he asked is your name well... Discord ? he said with a confused face .

Why yes I'm the leader of chaos ! The EG himself said .

WHAT !?! BUT I'm Discord too but this time the MASTER OR LORD OF CHAOS !!! The pony draconuquus discord said.

Well hmm you don't look like me and you can't even make chaos !

Hey! I make chaos in a snap of my hand !

Oh yeah ! prove it !

He snapped his hand and the floors turned with pink and purple tiles .Thewalls with alternate pink and purple. Clouds raining chocolate milk all over the seal ling.

The EG Discord was amazed on what he just saw. He said : Good but I also make one of those ...

He clapped and some pink clouds with chocolate milk inside popped out and he summoned a cup and poured the chocolate milk and drank the glass throwing the chocolate milk .

The Draconuquus Discord smile and laughed. Ha! ha! ha! ha! PRICELESS !!!

The EG discord also smiled and added more chaos to the whole house.

So can you fly ? The draconuquus Discord asked .

No can you ?

Yes actually this is not the real me I'm just in human form because people around here keeps looking at me .They are either scared some of them even laughs !

So what's the real you looks like ?

Like this. He snapped his hand and he transformed from a human to draconuquus.

WHAT THE !?!?!!?!

What this is me .The lord of CHAOS !!!

You have wings and you.. you can fly !!!

Duh !!! The lord of chaos here of coarse I can fly !

I only have my magic but you.. you have wings and magic. That's chaotic I like it !

Thanks me .ha ha ha. Well I better go bye I'll come back here !

Wait can you fix my house first !

I thought you have magic !

I don't want to fix it myself!

Ugh fine ! He snapped his hand and all the chaos disappeared.

((((( TO BE CONTINUED ))))))

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