029. "so let's wipe that cold tears now

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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I think I've seen this film before

And I didn't like the ending


          THE DAYS THAT FOLLOWED AFTER the third task haunted Lucia in ways that she didn't think was possible. Like ducklings follow their mother, it was like that for Lucia too, only the nightmares followed her instead of something as cute as ducks. She often found herself being awake in the middle of the night, too afraid to even close her eyes just because she didn't want to see those faces and places that she now felt contempt for.

She really wanted all of this to end but recovering from all of this wouldn't be an easy feat for her. How was she supposed to do it? How was she supposed to begin? Actually, what she should be asking was how Harry supposed to recover from this?

After all, he took the most suffering during then.

Life went on dully to the point that she wasn't even aware whether she was living or breathing anymore, too much in a daze as the words that were spoken by Crouch, Fudge, and Dumbledore echoed her mind every chance it gets.

Voldemort was back...

Yet the leader of the British Wizarding World has yet to acknowledge the looming threat that felt so evident and visible to everyone around, in result he was putting everyone at risk.

But that was not all, for Cedric Diggory died.

The courageous Hufflepuff didn't deserve to die. But at the same time, he deserved more than to stay in such a cruel world that would only fail him more.

Turns out, while she was forced recuperate within the safety of the hospital wing, she learnt that the woman that had taken care of her and Harry was the Weasley matriarch, Mrs. Weasley. It was no wonder why she had spare one look at the woman and became familiar with her.

And although she was nothing but nice to them, Lucia still felt bitter toward the woman for treating Hermione so unkindly while the rumours of her 'two-timing' Harry and Krum were being spread around like a wildfire. She should've known that the rumours weren't true, and yet...

Well, there was no need to ponder over that anymore, seeing that she and Hermione was in each other's good graces again.

However, Mrs. Weasley couldn't stay around any longer as she was soon sent home, but she did put up a fight before she went. She didn't want to leave the two scarred children, surprising Lucia very much by her gesture and determination to care for someone that she hardly knew of.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now