Chapter 6: Caught

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Since that day I would always go out to the waterfall once father left, and everytime Serena would be standing there waiting for me.
This would go on for the next 2 years. But all of that would change, when my father grew suspicious
"He's too happy, Sparrow isn't one to smile often"
My father was telling my mother his suspicions. My mother thought he was overthinking it
"I'll prove it to you, something is going on"
When 6:00 PM came my father went out hunting as usual, or so I thought.
He went out and jumped up into a tree and waited. Of course me thinking he went out hunting I dashed out of the cave and made my way to the waterfall.
As per usual I got there and Serena was waiting, she hugged me and I instantly grabbed onto her and jumped to the side.
My senses had kicked in, an attack was just thrown at us.
I look behind me and standing there was my father, the anger in his eyes was unlike I had ever seen
"I knew something was up. All this time you've snuck out to see a human!"
He shouted at me
"She isn't like the humans you told me of, she doesn't want to take my magic"
He didn't listen..
"You put our family in danger everytime you come here, why!"
I had never seen him this mad before...
"I love this place! And... I love this human!"
Serena was shocked because of what she just heard, it was true I fell in love with this human though as expected father would never accept it
"You would put your family in danger for a human, and a waterfall?!"
Then my father started firing light blasts at the waterfall, rocks fell over the flowers, the water became filled with dirt and ruble.
The place I loved so much was destroyed.
"I do not end the lives of humans so I will not kill her, but you will never see her again"
He grabbed my arm and dragged me back, I could hear Serena crying in the distance...

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