Chapter 9: Choose

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I knew what was about to happen, I pulled on Serena's arm forcing her to stop. I then turned around ready to face what was coming.
I pushed Serena to the side and my father charged at me at lightning fast speed knocking me right into the local town, his anger was so much he couldn't realize everyone was watching.
I stood up and powered myself up
"You have endangered our family long enough Sparrow, you have a choice to make. You can abandon your family for a human, or you can stay with us where you belong"
After being imprisoned for years I think the choice was obvious
"What kind of father keeps their child imprisoned in his room? You have a strange definition of family"
Throughout all this time my mother and brother had been gone. It wouldn't be the first time my mother took my brother down to the underworld to visit long distance family, but they never stayed for so long
"So when were you going to tell me that you and mother broke up? And that she moved to the underworld with falcon"
What my father said next helped me make a decision fairly quick
"She's nothing but a bitch, she stopped listening to what she was told and now she's gone. I couldn't care less that she moved to the underworld"
I guess in this story the Creator is the Villian and the Destroyer is the Good Guy, or uh Girl.
"If you think I want to spend another minute with you. You are sadly mistaken father"

"Fine then. After today you will no longer be my son. your punishment this time will be death"
My father summoned the Creator Core in his hands and drained my immortality from me, what happened next shocked me.
Serena grabbed the core and smashed it on the ground, I knew what had to happen next. It was either my life
Or his

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