Chapter 8: Saved

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During these 4 years I was grounded Serena was studying magic, She wanted to learn as much as she could because it fascinated her, but simply learning about magic wasn't her main goal. She wanted to learn how to protect herself against it, she wanted to find me and save me, and if my father interfered she would know how to protect herself. She found an old book that was written about my ancestors and within it she learned how to combat it. Even I didn't know about it but high frequency sounds are extremely painful to us, we have sensitive hearing.
She spent a year creating a device that sends high frequency sounds in one direction so if she was forced to use it, it wouldn't effect me.
She was finally ready to find and save me from my prison.
At 6:00 PM she made her way up into the willow wisp forest and straight to the destroyed waterfall.
She remembered the direction I'd always run in so she went in that direction running as fast as she could,
Before long she had reached the entrance to the cave.
She snuck in and thankfully only I was there, I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought maybe I was seeing things but no, there she was standing in front of me
"S-Sparrow, I found you. Come on lets get you out of here. You'll come live at my house, now that I have my own"
Tears filled my eyes
"I... I can't"
I pointed at a chain around my waist keeping me from leaving.
It was long enough to reach the training room, that's all
"N-No. I'm getting you out of here!"
She started stomping on the chain. It was pointless
"My father forged this chain. I don't know how to break it..."
She then got an idea, if my father's weakness is high frequency sounds perhaps the same goes for the chain.
She pointed her device at the chain and fired it, the chain vibrated so fast it burst into a million pieces.
I was free, she took my hand and we started running. In the distance I could hear... my father

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