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At the 2nd floor. Axel grabs Kyo by her left arm. As she tries to fight back. But, Axel presses his claws deep into her flesh and started to bleed. She screams in pain. As he leans over and give her a smug look on her.

"If you try to squirm. You'll just rip your arm off kid. Now then, I wanna see you cry for mercy. Since Ikimaru won't allow me to kill you. Atleast I can torture you. Huh--"

He notices that she was glaring at him. Frustrated, he suddenly throws her at the wall. Upon impact the wooden wall breaks and falls into the floor. In the smoke of the debris, Axel comes out and he was about to land an attack from her direction. With a strike of luck. She quickly rolls out of the way. Dodging his shadow claws from impaling her.

"That was close! Good thing I dodge it... But, I can't barely move cause of this injury. I need to lure him away from the others as much as possible... But, I can barely walk..."

Axel shows up right in front of her. And sees her expression. She was still glaring at him. Which makes him even more angrier. He uses his shadow claws and he was about to attack her. When suddenly..."


Emmet yelled. As he kicks Axel off as he got thrown off through the window. But didn't fully come out into the window. Emmet notices Kyo on the floor. Badly injured. He was about to check up on her. When suddenly Axel breaks free from the window and  approaches Emmet.

"You did that to me?! How dare you punk! Atleast I have a free meal." Axel taunted.

Kyo was staring at both of them. And got worried for Emmet.

"You bastard! You're going to pay for what you did to her!" Emmet yelled.

Axel gave him a smug look. Trying to tease him again. Kyo was staring at Emmet in bafflement.

"How does Emmet-sensei will fight? He doesn't have Archeops with him. I need to get up in here and help him." She said.

Axel suddenly transforms himself into a Shadow Beast mode. As he became a werewolf. Emmet quickly runs towards Kyo. And quickly grabs her and carries her away from Axel.

"HEY! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!" Axel yelled in annoyance.

Meanwhile in Pasio, After Francois and Neon taken care of Archeops, Excadrill and Elekid. They both leave the Pokemon Center. And heads back to the area where Mauvis was left in Kyo's house.

"So Kid, what the heck are you doing in this world? You're making your Dad worried about you again. He might showed up on my dreams again " Francois said in annoyance.

"It's fine. My Dad knows that I'm here. Besides, I'm just here to have a vacation. But, when I heard of that loud explosion. I went to investigate. I never thought I will see you in this world. Just like back in MK World huh?" Neon respond.

Francois rolls his eyes. But Neon was just happy to see a familiar face again. They keep on running until they notices the two giant shadow hands from afar.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!!" Neon asked.

"Darn it! It's your GrandPa. He's suddenly transforming into his Kuroyami form. And I don't have a clue why? I'm trying to contact Ingo and the others. But it seems that something is blocking the signals. And I don't know where the hell are they. But one thing is I'm fearing of. Is that Mauvis will transforms into  Kuroyami. And Pasio will be in great danger if that happens!" Francois respond.

At the destroyed house. Mauvis was in the state of transforming. Both Inteleon and Sharpedo were trying everything to prevent him. But he's too powerful. As they both already in bad shape. The shadow hands starts attacking them again. But barely dodges any of it. And with on big swing from the shadow hands. It's hits Sharpedo on it right cheek and falls into the debris. Inteleon notices it. As the right giant shadow hand was about to squash him. Neon and Francois were already there and saw was about to happen. The time suddenly felt slows down. As Inteleon jumps in to save Sharpedo. A few meters away. Francois tries to call Mauvis to stop from what he was about to do.

"MAUVIS!!!! STOP!!!!!"

Francois yells in desperation. But it was too late. As Inteleon pushes Sharpedo away to it's safety. Francois catches his pokemon. As the giant shadow pummels and hits Inteleon. But it wasn't finish yet  as the giant left hand follows and hits Inteleon again. Then both of the giant shadow hands hit the pokemon. Over and over again. Both Neon and Francois were shocked. As they both saw Inteleon in worst state.

"INTELEON!!!" Francois yelled.

Mauvis was still keep on hitting the poor Pokémon. Neon couldn't believe what is going on. Francois grabs his Pokéball and puts Sharpedo back into it's pokeball. Where he was safe. Then he stares at Mauvis. As he was still on unconscious state.

"MAUVIS!!! STOP IT!!! THINK ABOUT YOU DAUGHTERS!!! KYO AND KYOUKA!" Francois yells in desperation.

Mauvis suddenly stops. Then he remembers both of his daughters. He suddenly snaps back to himself. And the shadow hands disappears and he falls down into his knees. And then he passes out and falls face first into the floor. Both men started approaching him. And checks up on him. But Mauvis was just passed out. Then, Neon approaches what's left for Inteleon. He then grabs a curtain and puts it over the pokemon's dead body. Then Francois walks in next to him.

"This is going to happen in Pasio if we didn't do anything to stop Mauvis from transforming. We're in the worst situation. I hope we can finally find Kyo and the others. I can't even called Gerald. Inteleon was his Pokémon. I have to atleast tell him what happened to his partner." Said Francois.

Back in Lyon, inside the Manor. Gerald, Ingo and Kyouka made out safely into the HQ. Ingo and Kyouka started barricading the doorway. While Gerald was looking for a certain item. He checks the secret compartment under the table. And it reveals two silver briefcases.

"Bingo! I found them! Ingo, Kyouka. Come over here" He said.

Both of them started walking towards him as Gerald places the two silver briefcases into the table. And then he opens it. As Ingo got curious on what exactly are the gadgets is he looking at. Gerald grabs this weird metal wire with a bunch of tiny red lights on it.

"Okay, listen up you two. I need your cooperation in order to defeat Ikimaru. And we're going to end this mayhem once and for all." Said Gerald.


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