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Meanwhile at the other side of the Manor. In the 1st floor. Both Ingo and Kyouka were running together. While holding the 2 silver briefcases. Until they found the door leading up to the library. And went there to to open it. As they both got inside the library. Ingo quickly checks up on the blueprint. And presses the wireless communication device attached on his right ear. And presses it.

"Gerald, we're here. The plan is going to be risky for you. We're going to set up the trap now. Let's say around an hour." He said.

"Roger that. I'm currently hiding. And just like what you've said. He really seems tired. My theory seems correct. I will keep him distracted. While you guys set up the trap. I'll count on you two." Gerald respond.

"I understand. Be careful!" Ingo respond back.

He approaches Kyouka. As she was already opening the briefcases. The inspected the items that they saw inside. And he grabs the battery size dynamites. And saw the ultrasonic speaker devices.

"Miss Kyouka. Do you know what are we going to do with these? If you don't know you should asked me about it." He said.

She chuckles. As Ingo getting more confused.

"Sorry, don't call me Miss all the time you know. Just Kyouka works for me. Besides I'm already 25 years old. By the way, how old are you?" She asked.

"I'm 23. Same goes with Emmet of course." Ingo politely respond.

Kyouka just stares at him in disbelief. As Ingo blinks his eyes twice. Waiting for her respond.

"I thought you're way too older than I thought" she said in shock.

"Eh? Really?!" He shouted.

At the hallway. A loud explosion and gunshots occurs. Inside the cloud of smoke. Gerald emerges as he was running away from Ikimaru. But quickly catches up to him. And using his scarf. He grabs him by his legs. As Gerald falls into the floor. And the scarf starts pulling him in towards Ikimaru. With his shadow claw. Ready to attack him. With quick thinking. He grabs the last flash bomb into his pocket. And quickly throws at Ikimaru. And it exploded right to his face. Blinding him. The scarf throws him through wall. And went through an empty room. But he got freed from the scarf. Gerald got up and grabs his gun. As Ikimaru rushes inside the room. Armed with his shadow claws. He started attacking Gerald. Both men starts fighting at each other. Gerald suddenly steps on the scarf. As it starts twitching. Ikimaru stares down at it. But with a short second. He realized that the gun was already pointed right towards his face. And Gerald shoots.

Both men froze. As Gerald suddenly starts coughing blood. And slowly stares down. And notices that the Shadow claw was pierced into left side of his torso. While Ikimaru dodges the bullet by bending his body backwards. He grins and punches Gerald and got thrown off through the walls into the hallways again. Resting his back into a cabinet. As he started coughing off blood again.

"Damn... He punctured my left lung... It's hard and painful to breath... They still need more time to prepare the trap. I need to... Distract him." He said as he was grabbing his stab wound.

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