Chapter 3

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Miami 1977- I'll be with you baby. 

Finally made it into Miami, the first day in the studio went surprisingly well since Mr.Stigwood had a chat with Robin about letting me work when we were there and not distracting me. I know Mr.Stigwood had both our best interests at heart which was nice but it wasn't going to stop Robin when we were outside of work. 

Barry had invited Mr.Stigwood and I back too his house for dinner but Mr.Stigwood had too decline since he had a business dinner but insisted that I go and visit with them, so then I had no choice but too say yes. I knew that this was going to be a downhill spiral, how could it not? I knew any chance Robin could have too tease me he'd do it. As we were leaving the studio Barry said "Stella, want too come in my car?" he asks "Or come with me?" Robin chimes in. A tempting thought came across my mind as I knew why he'd invite me in his car "Yeah you could go with Rob too" Barry replies, basically meaning now I had to agree to get into Robin's car. Me being me I didn't want to be rude and say yeah know I completely know why you want me in your car I'll just go with Barry, I had too happily oblige "We'll see you at your house then, Barry" I say with a fake smile on my face. I wasn't happy about this situation but maybe he and I did need abit of alone time too talk some things out. 

As Robin began driving there was of course an awkward silence swirling the car, I wasn't going too speak up first hell no! I then noticed Robin's hand slowly making it's way toward my leg, I picked the wrong day too wear a dress. He gently set his hand on my thigh lifting my dress a little so my skin was exposed then he kept getting a little higher "That's far enough Robin" I say, I didn't want him too stop but I had too make him. Robin stopped but kept his hand there "I've missed you, Stella" he says causing me too sigh "I know what you did back there" I reply, Robin laughs "You caught that, did ya?" "I may be younger than you but I sure as hell am not stupid," I say "Anything to get me alone you'll try your best." Robin looks over and smirks at me "And it seems I succeeded didn't I?" he winks taking his focus back too the road. Okay, god damn it, he was right, I couldn't keep myself away either. 

Willpower was not my strong suit as you can probably guess, especially when it came too him. As we kept driving the silence came back then he began humming a song which sounded like Massachusetts, I turn too him "Are you seriously humming Massachusetts right now?" I ask "Of course, it's our song remember?" He replies then continues too hum; The night I met him 10 years ago when he first spotted me they were singing that song then when we went backstage and when we struck up a conversation I'd complimented his singing then suggested that it could be our song. I was a terrible flirt but I guess somehow that's always stuck in Robin's head about me. It was one of my favourite songs they sang, his voice was so melodic and beautiful. Pulling into Robin's driveway, I'd never seen his Miami house so this was about to be interesting "Where's Molly and the kids?" I ask as he opens my car door "She didn't want to come this trip so it's just me," Robin replies "as usual." 

I follow Robin into his beautiful Miami home, the decor was totally him as well not too flashy but any piece he had in his home always had a story behind it; He turned too me and smiled as I looked all around at everything taking it in "Lovely isn't it?" Robin asks "Oh absolutely beautiful Robin," I reply "I've never doubted your taste in decor" "Just doubted me in general?" he questions. I look at him as he awaits a response "Well I have my reasons" I say, he nods then continues on into the kitchen "Want some tea before we go?" he asks "Sure that'd be nice" I reply, Robin sets the kettle onto the stove as the silence came across us again. I walk toward the big windows that looked over the ocean bay in his backyard taking in all the scenery, then I feel two arm snake around my waist and his head nuzzled into my neck I wanted too push him off but I just sunk into him. I turned my head placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, we couldn't resist each other no matter how hard we fought too stay apart it's just the unfortunate thing that we can't actually be together like we want. 

"Don't go too your hotel tonight," he whispers "I'll say I'm taking you there but stay with me tonight" "I'll be with you baby" I reply. 

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