Chapter 5

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Miami 1977- A family affair

My mind kept whirling as Robin and I went over to Barry's house which was only about three houses down from his then a few more houses down was Maurice's. Their houses were on this beautiful street of Miami Beach where you could over look the water from their backyards, I could just loose myself hanging out back there for hours. Robin and I didn't say much as we walked toward Barry's but we were probably both thinking the same thing how was this going too play out? We couldn't be together right now.

We finally made it to Barry's house, Robin looked back at me and smiled as he held the front door open; voices filled the house and kids playing, I still followed behind Robin as we entered into the kitchen where everyone was then their faces lit up as they saw me. Linda came rushing over too hug me "Barry said someone special was coming with Robin" she cheered squeezing me "Oh he didn't mention who I assume?" I ask laughing "No the arsehole," Linda jokes "But I'm happy to see your beautiful face!" "Same here,love" I say. Hugh and Barbara were there as well along with Andy who was also doing amazingly well in the music industry at the moment, I always loved Andy he was a bit younger than me but we'd always got on well same with their parents. Andy had always expressed to me how much he wanted Robin and I too figure our shit out and be together, my response always was "I'm not the one who needs too figure it out" because if I had it my way and in my world, Robin and I would've been together then gotten married when I was 18 and then non of this mess would've ever happened! Such as life I guess.

I could feel Robin staring at me from across the room as I chatted with Linda and Yvonne, "So sad Molly and the kids couldn't be here for you to see them" Yvonne says "Oh I see them quite often back home actually," I reply "I try to go as often as I can" "Well that's good but you can tell how hard it is on Rob when they aren't here" Linda whispers, if they only knew he was occupied this trip and I doubt Molly was the first thing on his mind whilst I'm here. Did I think people were oblivious too Robin and I? Maybe not, Maurice had caught us once on a trip here a couple years ago and he never told anyone thank god it shocked me he didn't say anything; From that day forward I tried my hardest to avoid Robin's advances at me but it clearly has not worked in my favor. It definitely frustrated me that Robin had this sort of spell on me, for lack of a better word, that I could never escape no matter how hard I tried ignoring it. As I still stood with Linda and Yvonne, his gaze still distracted me as they talked around me while he and I kept locking eyes ignoring everyone's conversations, "Stella?" Linda asks "What sorry?" I reply snapping out of my daze "How's work going?" she asks me "Oh yes, it's wonderful I love working for Mr.Stigwood" I say. 

After dinner everyone had made their way out to the backyard, Barry had the most breathtaking view kinda better than Robin's if I'm honest; I walked by myself out to the dock too see it all with my drink in my hand, god I would kill to wake up too this every morning so much better than the shitty London weather. I found myself lost in my thoughts again mainly about Robin, of course why wouldn't I think of him after what he'd just told me a few hours before. I then felt a gentle hand on my back causing me too jump a bit, there he was again with his long red hair and infectious smile "Sorry Stells," Robin giggles "I didn't mean to startle you" "No, it's okay I was just taking in the view and thinking a bit" I say with a sigh; It went quiet again as it usually does with him and I, I could feel him staring at me once again as I turned my head we locked eyes still not saying anything. Robin sighs "I'd do anything too kiss you right now" he breaks the silence, I laugh a bit "Oh Robin," I say "What are we doing?" "What do you mean?" he questions "We can't keep doing this too each other making one another feel like this," I reply "Then at the end of the night you go back to your wife and kids and where do I go? Back home by myself." Robin doesn't say anything back then I look behind him as Andy approaches us "Andy's coming" I whisper as Robin just keeps looking at me probably stunned I stood up too him. Andy throws his arm around Robin's shoulder "What's up love birds?" Andy jokes even though at the same time he probably meant it.

Robin and I didn't say anything we just looked at each other, "I think I might head out actually back to the hotel" I say, I walk up too Andy giving him a hug then proceed down the dock toward the house and as I walked I heard Andy ask Robin "Did you say something to her, Rob?" I just kept going. It might've just been a hint too Robin though that I wanted him, and now. 

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