Chapter 14

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Once everyone was seated Garrick stood, tapping his glass for silence he began the ceremony. It was a very simple ceremony; the royal families gave gifts in honor of Aiden's crowning. When all was said and done, Darra stood. The room was hushed when they saw her stand, "My dear Aiden, I could not be prouder of you in this moment of your growth and accomplishments. My gift to you, made by my own hand, will keep you safe and keep safe all those who stand with you." With a flourish of her hand a parcel wrapped in cloth appeared before her on the table. Gently unwrapping for all to see, were two beautifully crafted silver scimitars, wickedly sharp with elegant design etched into the blades. With them were two leather holsters meant to be worn crossed at the hip and back. With tears in his eyes, Aiden stood and accepted them graciously. "Thank you, Darra!" he cried, "they're beautiful." Smiling, she bowed at the waist before returning to her seat. With that Garrick stood and cheerfully called out, "Let the celebration begin!"

It didn't take long for Darra to realize that there was no entertainment planned beyond a few jesters and the socializing taking place. She sided over to Garrick and chuckled, "You have no entertainment, good king." He arched one elegant brow, "What do you mean, we have the jesters and magicians." "Music, King Garrick. What this evening needs is music," she smiled. With a sigh he said, "No one in the kingdom has been able to play music for centuries. I'm afraid that art is lost to us." She grinned mischievously, "Perhaps I can help." With a flourish of her arms, she floated upward to the ceiling placing her little electronic box against the high ceiling. Everyone watched as seeming veins branched out from it, across the ceiling and down the walls. Once she was safely back on the floor, she grinned and snapped a finger. Suddenly music filled the hall. Everyone froze except Aiden, he grabbed Raven's hand and pulled her to the center of the room exclaiming, "I love this song." With that he started to dance, it didn't take long for the others to join in. Garrick smiled crossing his arms over his chest. With a wink of her eye, she joined the others on the dance floor to dance.

Later into the night Garrick finally approached her, "Dance with me, Darra." She smiled cheekily, "Can you dance good king?" With a grin he extended his hand to her, blushing she slid her hand in his and allowed him to guide her to the dance floor. It didn't take long for them to glide across the floor together. "It would appear that you are light on your feet, good king," she chuckled. He smiled, "Our lives weren't always devoid of music, Lady Darra." She laughed nearly missing the sudden awareness of her kind. Her laugh was cut off suddenly as she froze. Garrick frowned, "What's wrong?" She didn't answer she simply spun slowly scanning the room, that's when she saw Aiden talking animatedly to Raven and a few others around their same age group. She heard the soft twang of a small crossbow and saw the vampire hidden in shadow behind one of the tall pillars in the great hall. With a snarl and a burst of speed she simply shot in front of Aiden catching the darts that had been shot. Shocked, the vampire tried to run but Darra was much faster grabbing him by his throat and slamming him into the floor twice. She now held him by his throat, feet dangling off the floor as he tried to claw at her hand. He bared his fangs and she stayed silent but for the soft constant rumbling in her chest. Her claws extended making it harder for him to escape as they were starting to cut into his neck. But he didn't show fear until he saw her eyes turn pure gold, smoke seemingly started to billow out from her nose and mouth as if she were burning from within. They were suddenly surrounded by guards, Mathus, Garrick and Aiden. Garrick looked thunderous and insanely close to a change. "Who sent you," he roared. "As if I'd tell you, mutt," the vampire hissed. Her hand tightened around his throat, her claws digging in. He clawed at her hand furiously trying to dislodge her but to no avail. "What is the sentence for trying to kill a member of the royal family, King Garrick," Darra asked softly. "Death," he snarled. She smiled frighteningly, "As it should be." She slammed her free hand through the wall of his chest and cleanly removed his heart. The shocked look on his face was his last as he coughed his last breath.

With a snarl she threw his body to the ground turning to Aiden. "Are you alright," she asked looking him over for harm. "I'm fine Darra, honest I am," he said touching her face. She sighed and opened her fist, "This is yours by right." He looked up at her and then over at his father who nodded slightly. He took the now stone heart and placed it in the small satchel he kept with him. Mathus chuckled and patted the boy on the back, "Never a dull moment with you two! Happy coronation day boy!" Suddenly Darra laughed, crossing her arms over her chest. It was such a shock, Garrick and the others couldn't help but laugh as well.

Once Darra had returned to her rooms she changed out of her dress. Returning to her fitted long sleeve top and slightly flared yoga like pants she opened the balcony doors with a thought. Walking out onto the balcony she stretched as she watched the wolves go for their nightly run. After all the excitement of the evening she still felt wired. A short howl pulled her from her reverie causing her to look down at an impatient and expectant wolf king. His eyes fairly glowed in the night, the half-moon making his pitch-black fur seem to shimmer. She read his demand, it was the same every night, for her to come and run with him. She smirked and shook her head turning back toward the rooms. As she made her way back inside, she thought, what better way to wind down than to go for a run.

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