Chapter 20

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The keep was eerily quiet at night. The wolves had long had their run, and everyone had finally bedded down for the night. Raven was returning to the keep when she noticed a light coming from the stables. Quietly and swiftly, she headed that way, hiding just inside the stable doors which were open. Darra, the vampire queen had saddled Phalanx and was doing last checks when she stopped and turned towards the open-door arms crossing over her chest. "You might as well come out Little Raven, I can see you there," she called. Raven slowly stepped from the shadows wringing her hands. "You would leave us," she exclaimed. "No, I am returning. Hopefully with reinforcements," she said handing Raven a sealed letter, "when they wake up tomorrow, I need you to give this to King Garrick, preferably before he starts to panic." She nodded and followed as Darra led Phalanx out of the stables. "And if you don't come back," she asked nervously. With a grace afforded only to those of her kind she leapt onto the back of the creature. Looking at them together, no one would mistake Phalanx for a mere horse. Darra looked down at her, "I will return in one way or another. The others will sense the absence of my power, get to Garrick before then."

He awoke to the sound of a soft but persistent knock. With a grumble he shuffled out of bed and opened the door. Raven stood in his doorway looking distinctly nervous. "Odin's beard, Raven! The sun is barely over the horizon, what could be so urgent," he snarled. With a shaky hand she handed him a missive, "The Queen Darra has asked me to give this to you." He frowned and broke the seal.

Garrick, I have ventured to the Stygian Forest. There I will

find answers and hopefully allies. The dire wolf came from the forest

I should be able to find out what happened to him.

Ready your soldiers good king and have Grigori ready ours.

My sister is coming, I can feel her drawing nearer.

I shall return before the first sword is drawn.

Garrick took a deep calming breath before addressing Raven. "Thank you, Raven, wake Mathus immediately," he said through his teeth. She nodded and scurried off. After closing his door quietly, he put the letter down and abruptly punched the wall. He swore this woman was going to drive him to madness.

They made it to the edge of the forest just as the sun was coming up. Coming to a stop she hopped down. "Are you sure you want to come with me in there, you could just as easily wait here," she said unlatching the saddlebags and taking what was needed before discarding the rest. I would never leave you to face the unknown alone. Besides, I haven't been on such an adventure in eons, Phalanx said along their telepathic connection. She smirked, "Well old man, don't say I didn't warn you." Slowly they made their way into the forest, ten minutes in and barely any sunlight filtered through the leaves. It took them quite some time before they made it to a clearing. "A fire was just burning here," Darra said scanning their surroundings. Uh, Darra.. She turned to Phalanx and saw two massive Dire Wolves come through the brush, between them a pup. Slowly, as not to alarm them, she moved forward with her arms out by her sides. "I mean you no harm," she said aloud. The male crouched and bared his teeth, growling low in warning. Just as the beast was about to lunge a roar filled the clearing and surrounding areas. It was so powerful she instinctively covered her ears. She squeezed her eyes shut against tears of pain. Just as suddenly there was silence. Darra opened her eyes slowly, taking her hands away from her ears. She looked over at Phalanx and he looked at her before returning their shocked gaze to the scene before them. All three wolves appeared to be bowing to her. She dropped to her knees, "Please, I just need to talk to your Alpha."

The male wolf lifted his head slightly and tilted it to the side. His gaze full of curiosity and confusion. Suddenly a booming voice filled her mind, "I am the alpha for the Dire. What is your business with me?" Her eyes widened but she continued, "Are any of your pack missing?" He sat up, studying her from his great height. "How would you know that I have been following the situation for weeks now and have very few answers," he said. She stood and bowed slightly before putting her hand over her chest, "I am Darra and I believe someone is taking your pack and twisting them with magic. The Dire that attacked the castle was completely insane. I couldn't connect with him, in his mind was just an overpowering need to destroy." The Dire couple looked at each other then back to her. "What castle do you speak of," he asked. Darra looked back at Phalanx then over to the Dire family, "The home of the werewolf king." "Impossible," he growled coming to his feet, "We would never attack our brethren! They are wolves after all, no matter how uncivilized." His remark caused her to smirk. Phalanx chuckled behind her, I think I'm coming to like the Dire alpha. The alpha glanced between the girl and the creature standing behind her, a creature that was made to look like a horse, but he could see through the illusion. He had no idea what this creature was, but he was sure it was communicating with her in some way. "Who do you believe is behind the disappearances of my pack," he asked, starting to pace between them. "There is a war coming beyond Stygian Forest. My sister is the only one knowledgeable enough in magic besides myself to do something like this," she said openly. He turned and walked toward her until they were nose to snout, she didn't blink. After a few minutes he nodded and turned away heading in a different direction than his mate and cub. "We will speak of this further at a later time, for now I have been tasked in bringing you to The Golden One. He's been waiting for you," the alpha said.

They walked in silence for about fifteen minutes before her curiosity got the better of her. "Who is the golden one," she asked keeping in stride with the Dire wolf. He glanced at her before answering, "He is ancient, he has been here since the beginning of time, and he protects us all." She frowned and glanced back at Phalanx before continuing, "This forest hasn't been here nearly that long." He chuckled while coming to a stop, "Perhaps, but the rocks have always been here." She stared in disbelief, rising up in front of them was a mountain. It was so large that it should've been able to be seen from the castle. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end, there was powerful magic here. I don't like this Darra. We should've seen this mountain from way off. Whatever this is, it's even older than myself. She looked up at Phalanx before putting a calming hand in his mane, "It will be alright old friend, with this much power if it meant me harm, I'm sure I'd be dead by now." "That would be correct," the alpha said. Phalanx rolled his eyes and nudged her with his snout. That does not make me feel any better! "Best not keep him waiting," she said with a half-smile. Turning she and Phalanx started into the mountain opening, they'd gone no more than a few feet before the alpha stepped into Phalanx' path. "This is your journey alone," he said. She looked back at Phalanx, "I'll be alright." And with that she ducked into the cave entrance and disappeared into the darkness.

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