Perfect teenager

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After a few hours of being inside of the closet, holding my little sister near my chest, I could hear someone chuckle outside, almost as sinister as the footsteps approaching, however, it was like a challenge made to the person who meant to encounter the chuckling mess. It was nothing like the psycho sounds the Joker made, on the contrary, it sounded playful, just like a child.

My parents managed to hide us well enough to give Batman and Robin time to enter our house. The cold winter air flew into the closet alongside the dancing moonlight. "Easy, I mean no harm," said the child dressed as Robin. He offered a smile and his hand.

I was incapable of saying a word, the shock of what happened to my parents was enough to sip my mouth. At least, during the next couple of days, the police would try to make me confess any detail, the most they got was: "The Joker entered the house" and it seemed to be enough, they sent me and my sister to an orphanage after that to "complete the process".

No more than a week, I was being taken out of the place by Bruce Wayne. He agreed to take both of us into his home and bless us with a scholarship. Of course, one could easily be misguided into thinking, that is when it all stopped and that my life did not face any more roughness.

Dick's birthday was kind of approaching and knowing how much he liked and practiced martial arts, as well as gymnastics, I diced my gift would be a pair of eskrima sticks and wristbands, I didn't have them yet but, still, it needed to be perfect and I better start looking for those sports equipment. "You like him, don't you?" said the voice of my six-year-old sister. "What are you talking about?", of course, it was about how long I took to decide and plan his gift. "I'm just saying, you don't even bother that much about my gifts". I decided to avoid arguing with the child and let her believe whatever she wanted. After all, how much did a six-year-old know about liking someone else?

Rachel had finally fallen asleep,  but I heard a loud knock on the wall that shared the other side with the gymnastics space planned for Dick. I didn't know he had already come back from his tech club. As I stepped closer, I could hear faint sobs throughout the hallways, specifically from the gym door. He was leaning against the damaged wall, which seems to have been hit by Dick's fist. His forehead was covered in sweat and, tears fell down his cheeks.

"You know, I am always right here if you want to talk" I managed to gather the courage while saying it. His gaze turned to analyze me but, didn't fire back an ingenious answer, just like he always did. "I wish I could tell you, out of everybody", he took a few steps and hugged me. We didn't need to say much to know that was enough. Sure, there was a bothering secret he wanted to keep, but, I can't pretend to acknowledge absolutely every detail about him. Besides, I am sure, if it was really important, he would "confess" what is troubling him, or at least, that is what I believed in at that moment. The door opened, revealing Alfred who escorted Dick outside of the mansion, to be reunited with Bruce.

The next morning, I prepared myself for school. I usually spent the time with Dick during the first two periods. After that, the people who called me "Frozen heart" would get out and give me a hard time. Dick didn't know about this, precisely because I chose to step aside after the second period, I only cause trouble, I'm sure whatever he's hiding is already a mess.

Everybody knew about the powers I held, because of the news the day my parents were murdered, and, for some of my classmates, I was a freak. Eventually, I learned how to ignore them, but, I had no friends. Part of it was my fault, I didn't let Dick introduce me to Barbara Gordon, I could tell she's an interesting and kind person.

"Look, it's already lunch and I'm tired of seeing you keep getting called "Frozen heart" between periods." I got scared at first but, let it go once I realized it was Dick. "I know you probably don't want me to step in but, at least, have lunch with me and Barbara today" he gave me a bittersweet smile. "I don't mind, I'd love to meet you, Dick talks none stop about you" Barbara decided she wanted to play her part. "Thank you guys, and, I'd love to meet you as well Barbara". I guess my efforts to keep them out of my, "Frozen heart" problem, was pointless, it's the same school. How naive I was to believe it was even possible to keep him out! After that, I added Barbs as a friend, the first one I made after a while. I must admit my friendship with both of them helped with my daily routine at school. I could say, those two saved me. Artemis was someone I added later on after that "Frozen heart" wasn't such a bad thing, it changed its meaning during that lunch. I could manage to add a couple of friends as well, Tay became a pretty close friend and we both had the same goal, to become teachers.

Dick's birthday finally arrived and I had white wristbands wrapped nicely. My sister didn't get him anything and begged me to allow her to use the wristbands as "her" gift. The escrima sticks were inside a light blue box.

Bruce and Alfred had planned a party for his birthday. In the afternoon, everyone started to arrive. I could see my little sister approaching him with the gift at the other side of the room.

He smiled once the package had been opened and lifted her on his arms to kiss her cheek while she was giggling. I couldn't help but feel happy.

"Room for one more?" I asked them. "Well, of course not, this is our moment" Rachel answered. Laughter filled the air in the room. Dick placed her back on the floor. "Happy birthday, boy wonder" he looked pale at first but relaxed a little after I hugged him. "Escrima sticks..." he muttered amused while looking closely at the weapon.

His friends from the different clubs he had joined started to show up and, I could tell why he's so close to Wally. He didn't care, showed his super-speed and it gave me the confidence to see someone I could relate to, feeling so comfortable with the rare ability.

I decided to take a walk around the mansion, even if everyone saw me normal and treated me fair, I was starting to feel overwhelmed by the number of people inside. I took a moment to admire the garden and the flowers. In the distance I could see Dick with a girl, her name was Zatanna. We only exchanged our names. She reached for him and kissed...

The feeling in my stomach made me want to walk away and hide in my room. Back then, in the garden, I didn't know what the feeling was, but, after thinking, jealousy fits it perfectly.

The night went by and, I learned how to "control" that feeling. Something between the both of us was impossible. We were just two teenagers who knew too little of the world and about love.

Between my bedsheets, at the end of the party, I wondered: what if that girl was me? But then, of course, would it be out of pity, habit, or a true feeling?

Perfect man | Nightwing / Dick Grayson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now