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"hello mr. perfectly fine"- taylor swift
third person

the girls of the girl group Boys World have been in the group for a few months. they've been posting and getting a good amount of fans. they were very happy.

the manager on the other hand was not. he wanted the group to be bigger so he took things into his own hands.

the boy band Why Don't We have been a band for 4 years now. they've been touring and traveling around the world. as much as it seams like they are living there best life, they've been dealing with abusive managers there who career.

they just wanted to be happy.


"wake up!" yelled lillian at queenie, the only one that wasn't awake. "ughhhh whyyyy" she groaned. "we have a meeting at KYN in 30 minutes hurry up" elana says.

45 minutes go by and the girls are at the meeting.

"come on in girls. take a seat" Sonny, the owner of KYN management said, "since you are releasing music soon i think we need to promote you." he paused for a second before gesturing to the men beside him.

"this is randy and david. they are the managers or the boy band Why Don't We." the girls stared at him in confusion, "one of you will be picked for a pr stunt relationship.

the girls looked at one another. "um what do you mean" makhyli asked.

"i mean one of you will act like your in a relationship with one of the why don't we boys. We are thinking the youngest since that would be less controversial but also he got out a relationship in July so it can create some drama. this will also promote Why Dont We's new music." the girls stared blankly and the man sitting in front of them.

"so who is it" olivia asked hoping it wasn't her. "I think I'm gonna choose Lillian." as the words fell from his mouth lillian couldn't breathe for a moment. she knew it would be not only hard but also emotionally draining.

"ummm i don't know are we sure this is smart?" she stuttered. "yes we are gonna do this. Zach already knows and he has agreed. i will give you his number and you guys can talk." david said scaring the girls.

after the meeting the girls go home. lillian decides to texts him.


hey zach this is Lillian from boys world.

hey so ig we're supposed to be a couple now😂


zach 🌙
so do you go by lily or anything different

nope but if you want to call my that you can. what should i call you then😂

idk my sister calls me zachy but that's the only nickname i really have.

ahaha i'll call you that

fine but don't tell the boys they'll start calling me that.

so do you wanna meet in person since we'll be "dating" now

sure do you want me to pick you up?

sure. see you later


you don't feel the same~ zach x lillian Where stories live. Discover now