| Thanatos x reader |

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Warnings; Angst- I did my best, y'all break up, reader doesn't take care of themselves, grammer mistakes. That's it

Summary; Due to his job, Thanatos has found himself spending less time with you. So you decied to finally speak up and do something about it.

Sorry for taking so long to write this! aplogoizes if anyone seems ooc. That, and if parts seem rushed.


You didn't know how long you've been waiting, waiting for him to come back- even if it was just for a second. You were unsure on what day- or night, it was. It all felt the same.

Most days, you had watched the river, but more and more shades would appear. From the river along with Zagreus or Megaera from time to time. But, no Thanatos.

This had made half of the house worried for you. I mean, they had a good reason seeing as would refused to eat or even take a nap.

When Zagreus had ran into Thanatos during his many journeys back to the surface, he would try talking some sense into him. But Than would always make up an excuse or even just disappear.

Sighing softly, you repositioned yourself while keeping your gaze on the area Thanatos normally stayed. Mumbling small pleases under your breathe- hoping that he'd arrive.

" I really think you should take a break. " Achilles' gentle voice interrupted.

" I will, as soon as Than comes back.. " your response made the fallen warrior sigh.

" I know you miss him- and most of us understand what it's like. But, you have to eat something, or even try walking to the lounge and back. " He replied, voice full of sorrow.

Mumbling a small; ' I'll try ' as you glanced at the floor.


Zagreus took a deep breathe as he entered a new chamber, he was met with; ' death approaches '. Immediately knowing who that was, he took the chance to question him why he hasn't visited the house recently.

" Thanatos, care to explain why you haven't came to the house yet ? (Y/N)'s pretty worried. " Zagreus was quick to ask. While glaring at the other male.

Thanatos frowned slightly, a little surprised at what he asked. " Thanks to Ares starting another war. Mortals have been dying more. "

The price struggled not to roll his eyes, "  Well, just a quick reminder (Y/N)'s currently waiting for you too come back. " He spat, " But, I suppose I'll tell them, you seem too busy with your work. "

Not bothering with their usual fights with the shades. Zagreus walked towards the exit- not even bothering to check what was behind the door.

Thanatos took a moment to process the information the prince had spewed at him.

Sighing heavily, he guess that he could quickly check on you.


Appearing back at the house, Thanatos roamed around while searching the house for any sign of you.

Peaking inside the lounge, he noticed you talking to Megaera- most likely about her work. Taking a deep breath, Than walked over to you two.

" May I speak to (Y/N), for a moment ? " He asked as Meg nodded, " Alright then, I'll see you later. " She told you before walking off.

" (Y/N), I understand that I haven't been around. " He started while trying to think of what to say next. " But, I can assure you it's- "

" Thanatos, I don't think I can do this anymore. " You cut him off.

" Do what ? " He asked, not quite understand what you were talking about.

You sighed, " I want to break up, I just can't spend each and every day or night waiting for you to come back. And when you do come back it's only for a few minutes. " You said, while choking back a few tears. " we can hardly spend time with each other, and when we can, it's always interrupted. "

" I- I fully understand (Y/N), and I aplogoize for not paying more attention to you. " Than murmured.


I know, the ending sucked like a lot. But I honestly have no idea on how the hell to write angst. So, yeah

Anyway, bye!

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