| Hypnos x reader |

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Warnings; Everyone's kinda of rude to Hypnos, grammar mistakes, reader comforts him.

Summary; Hypnos has been struggling with his work, and everyone's constant reminders aren't helping. Luckily, your here to help him.

Note; I honestly love Hypnos, in both Hades and in actual Mythology. He just seems so interesting.

Please enjoy :)


" Hypnos, I need to speak too you.. " Thanatos spoke as he approached his brother. Cold amber eyes not daring to look away from the unfinished lists of shades that have recently entered the underworld.

Sighing softly when there was no answer, Thanatos glanced up at his brother. Only to see him curled up, on a couch- Zagreus was kind enough to get him, sleeping soundly.

Clearing his throat, Thanatos then nudged the God of sleeps arm. " Hypnos! " He repeated, a bit louder then before. Spooking a few nearby shades in the process.

The sudden touch made him flinch, eyes widening as it took him a moment to realize what was going on. " Hm...? Oh, hey Than " Hypnos smiled weakly, seeing his brother.

" As I was saying, I need to talk too you about the lists your supposed to fill out. Half of them aren't properly filled out, and it doesn't help that Lord Hades is already bothering me abou- " The incarnation of death started ranting about his work. But stopped when he heard the soft sound of snoring.

In front of him, Hypnos had fallen back to sleep. Sighing heavily, Thanatos tossed the long list onto the velvet couch. " Lord Hades can deal with you himself.. " He grumbled before disappearing back to his work.

" Lord Hades needs you, again. " Nyx's voice- his mother's voice, made the silver haired male wake up from yet another nap. Perhaps she finally wanted to spend time with him. " Of course Mothe- " Hypnos smiled widely.

" I've said this before, you are to refer to me as Nyx. Not mother. " She cut him off, her voice harsh like always.

Hypnos whimpered slightly at the change of her tone, " Oh...right, of course, Nyx. " He whispered, looking down at the floor before glancing to Hade's desk. " I'll- just, go now.. "

He quickly walked over to Hade's desk, once there. He looked up at him before faking a smile. " Nyx said you needed to speak too me ? " Asked Hypnos as he nervously messed with his blanket.

" Your far behind on your work, counting the shades that enter shouldn't be that hard! Yet, for you. It is. " Hades scoffed, " It's been weeks even days since you've handed in a proper form. " Hades continued. Glaring at the god, that was currently doing his best not to cry.

" So either focus! Or I'll find someone who can actually do the work, properly. " Hades continued before dismissing him.

" Of course...sir.. " Hypnos whispered while returning to his spot.

What felt like weeks had passed by, and Hypnos was still getting scolded or corrected from Thanatos and Nyx. Zagreus had hardly talked to him, as he seemed so focused on finding out why his mother had left.

Not even passing by shades would listen to him, Sighing heavily, Hypnos leaned back in the couch. Trying to relax before going back to his work.

" Hypnos! " You happily called out, as you rushed towards the god of sleep. With your arms wide open for a hug.

Basically, tackling him onto the couch, you hugged him as tight as you could. It had been days since you've seen him.

" Hey, (Y/N).. " Hypnos whispered smiling weakly.

You frowned slightly, usually he was more energetic to see not only you but anyone. Sometimes, he was even more energetic then you.

" What's wrong ? " You asked- demanded.

" Oh, um, nothings wrong. (Y/N). I promise. " Hypnos nervously replied. You sighed softly, " Please..don't lie, if somethings bothering you I can try to help. "

" Well- " Hypnos hesitated for a moment before sighing heavily, " Works been stressful, Nyx and Than have been bugging me more then usual. " He explained, with each word, he buried his face deeper into his blanket.

" Stay here, I'll be back. " You gently placed Hypnos back onto the couch, before rushing towards the Wretched Broker's area.


Returning moments later, with a few bottles of ambrosia. Along with another blanket and pillows, Wretched broker was kind enough to give you for free.

" You, need to relax Hypnos. " Once close enough, you- carefully, tossed the pillows and blanket at him. " I can do your work, until your feeling better. " you placed the bottles of ambrosia near the side of the couch. In case either of you get thirsty.

" Are...are you sure ? What If you get yelled at..? " He nervously questioned, gods forbid if you got in trouble. He'd never forgive himself.

" I'll be fine. " You reassured him, " Now! Lay down, and I'll start working. " You continued, picking up the clipboard and started filling in any missing shades along with the newer ones.

Hypnos smiled widely as he pulled you into a tight hug, " Thank you! (Y/N). "

Letting you go, he wasted no time curling up onto the couch yet again, closing his eyes the god slowly drifted off to sleep. Happy, that someone was kind enough to not only help him out. But, someone who also cares for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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